Using the Messages Options Menu - Archive/Unarchive Vendor

The Options icon appears in the Vendors tab in Messages.

To archive/unarchive vendors using the messages option menu:

  1. Go to Main Menu > Line Items.

  2. Select a line item.

  3. Click Messages.

  1. Select Options > Archive vendor and select a vendor’s name under the separate Archived Vendors section.

When you are not in regular communication with a vendor, you can move them to the Archived Vendors section.

You still have the option to communicate with vendors under the Archived Vendors section.

When you resume regular communication with a vendor, you can move them to the Unarchived Vendors section.

  1. Select Options > Unarchive vendor.

  2. Select a vendor’s name from the Unarchived Vendors list.

Messages Options Menu - Vendor

Example message center Vendor tab with the Archived Vendors section highlighted.