CRM List Formatting Details

To make sure that your CRM list successfully uploads to Basis, it must be formatted correctly. Download one of our templates or refer to the following details to learn how to format the file.

CRM List Templates

CRM List Template - Microsoft Excel (XLSX)

CRM List Template - CSV

File Specifications

Supported File Formats: XLSX or CSV

Maximum File Size: 40 MB for XLSX files, 150 MB for CSV files

Minimum Number of Rows: 101 (including header row)

Formatting Details

Keep the following requirements in mind as you prepare your CRM list:

  • Column headers must appear exactly as shown in the tables below.

  • There are no mandatory columns. Remove any columns that you don't need and only include columns for the data that you're providing.

  • The CRM file can include either plaintext data or hashed data, but not both. Upload separate files for plaintext data and hashed data.

We recommend using plaintext data to ensure the highest match rates. Match rates for hashed data are generally lower for all fields except email addresses.

Plaintext Records

For plaintext records, each row must contain one or more of the following details:

  • Email

  • Phone

  • Name and ZIP Code

Match rates depend on the quality of the data in the upload file. You don't need to provide information for every field, but the more information that you provide, the better we'll be able to match users. Emails provide higher match rates, followed by phone numbers, and then names and ZIP codes. A combination of all of these provides the highest possible match rates.

Refer to the following table for column header names and descriptions for plaintext records.

LiveRamp CRM uploads currently only support US audience data.

Column Header Description Example
Name The person's full name. Must include the first and last names. Middle names or initials and suffixes are optional. John J. Smith Jr.
Email The email address. Do not remove periods from email addresses.
Phone Complete phone number without delimiters. For US phone numbers, it should be 10 digits or 11 digits.



Street Address Complete street address without city, state, or ZIP code. United States only. 101 W Main St Apt 12
City Name of the city. United States only. Los Angeles
State Two-letter state code. United States only. CA
ZIP Code 5-digit, 9-digit, or 11-digit code. United States only. 95010, 10004-4357

Hashed Records

For hashed records, the CRM list only requires two columns: Lookup Type and Lookup Value.

If you're uploading email addresses only, you can use MD5, SHA-256, or SHA-1. If you’re including other types of data, you must use SHA-1 hashing, but only the following combinations are accepted:

  • Phone number

  • Name and email address

  • Name and phone number

  • Name and ZIP code

Refer to the following table for details about column requirements for hashed records.

Column Header Description Example
Lookup Type

The hash function. Must be one of the following without any modifications:

  • MD5

  • SHA-1

  • SHA-256

Lookup Value Email addresses hashed using MD5, SHA1, or SHA256, or other SHA-1 hashed strings (such as name and email address or name and zip code). 29a1df4646cb3417c19994a59a3e022a