Bulk Upload Ad Tags

Add new creatives to the DSP from the Creative panel or the tactic editor.

If you're using Campaign Manager 360 or Sizmek, export a set of ad tags and upload the file to the DSP. For other ad servers, upload an XLSX file that follows our formatting guidelines. See Bulk Upload Ads for more information.

Don't edit the tag sheets that you receive from Campaign Manager 360 or Sizmek. If you do, the DSP may not be able to properly parse the document or perform automated macro insertion. For tag sheets exported from Campaign Manager 360, the DSP uses the tags in JavaScript Tag column.

The tag sheets that you upload must be text (TXT) or Excel (XLS, XLSX) files.

To bulk upload ad tags:

  1. Go to Main Menu [] > Campaigns.

  2. Select the campaign and media plan.

  3. Select DSP Actions > Creative.

  4. On the Creative panel, select Add > Bulk Ad Tag.

  5. Select Upload file, then attach the file that contains the ad tags. See Bulk Uploading Ads for information about formatting the file.

  6. After the file uploads, review these important details for each ad:

    • Ad Name: Edit the name if you don't want to use the default.

    • Dimensions: Confirm that the declared dimensions match the ads.

    • Tag Code: Verify the tag code, including any macros.

  7. Edit any other creative details as required. See Uploading Ad Tags for more information about ad tag details.

    Apply the same changes to multiple ads at the same time by selecting the ads, making your changes, then selecting Apply.

  8. Click Create to save the new ads.

    After uploading creatives, make sure to preview them and link them to tactics.