Script Tags

Basis DSP uses JavaScript tags as the preferred option for adding users to audiences or tracking conversions. These tags offer some advantages over image pixels. For example, script tags automatically determine whether the current page requires HTTPS and act accordingly. Additionally, script tags initiate cookie syncs with one or more of our exchange and data partners. Cookie syncs are technically necessary for cookie audience based targeting such as retargeting or third-party audiences. See SSP to DSP Cookie Syncing Explained on Ad Ops Insider for more about this.

Exchanges and data providers initiate cookie syncing with Basis DSP where possible on their own footprint—that is, pages on which their code executes. In addition, Basis DSP initiates cookie syncs when serving ad impressions, as well as in our audience and conversion scripts. This ensures that campaigns targeting audiences—first- or third-party—are able to achieve maximum scale, as exchange or data provider-initiated sync alone may not reach all users. 

The cookie sync code in Basis DSP audience and conversion scripts is designed to ensure maximum safety against data leakage and excess latency. Third-party pixels are loaded into a cross-domain IFRAME. This ensures that third-party pixels do not delay page load. In addition, browser security policy prevents anything loaded into a cross-domain IFRAME from knowing about the page the IFRAME is placed on. This means that the pixels from exchanges and data providers are not able to gather any information about the page URL or the contents of the page. We also only use image pixels from third-parties to ensure that JavaScript cannot be used to circumvent these restrictions. 

Regardless of this, some advertisers may have a policy to not allow third-party pixels on their sites. In this case, you can use the HTML image option instead of the script option for audience and conversion pixels. The HTML image and script options for these pixels are functionally identical except that the script option also includes cookie syncs. For universal pixels, the script provides important core functionality, and using the image option means that some capabilities are not available. Instead, use the script option and disable the Enable user matching option.