

Coming soon!

At a Glance

Top Geos Traffic Types Formats

US - 67%

GB - 9%

FR - 5%

DE - 4%

Other - 15%

Mobile Web - 32%

Web - 31%

CTV - 19%

App - 18%

Video - 66%

Display - 29%

Native - 4%

Audio - 1%

For the most up-to-date information on avails and specific inventory, go to the Inventory Directory in Basis.

Technical Considerations

Seats and Private Deals

Xandr now uses a 1:1 advertiserId to seatId configuration. All private deals with Xandr that were previously set up with seat 1469 will continue to spend.

Sensitive Categories

Cannabis - Not Permitted

CBD - Permitted using Open Market and PMP

Xandr (Microsoft) restricted category policies are available here: https://about.ads.microsoft.com/en-us/policies/restricted-categories

Exchange Provided Documentation

Coming soon!