Insights Pre-built Reports

Insights supports canned reports providing historical data relative to campaign analytics, client and brand, and vendors and properties. The past data assists on planning campaigns and deciding on high-level business solutions. The canned reports are available under the Open Report button drop menu selection:

Report Name Description Analysis Benefits

Client and Brand Report

Year-to-date spend for your Client and Brand separated by month.

Analyze clients and brands level data for overall business health
Contracted vs Actual Billing Monthly Total spend and impressions delivered vs. contracted amounts Analyze spend, delivery, and potential variances against contracted budgets
Lifetime Dual-Metric Chart Lifetime data for two objectives in live campaigns Analyze historic data for two campaign objectives to improve optimization decisions
Pacing & Multiple Metric Data Lifetime performance analytics for all brands and campaigns Analyze brand and campaign level data for overall business health

Property Rates by Vendor

Contracted CPMs received on your campaigns by property and by ad size

Analyze all property rates on past plans and for future line item negotiations
Single Metric Chart Live campaign KPI data over the past 30 days Analyze historic data for a campaign objective to improve optimization decisions

Spend by Property Type

Contracted spend by property type

Analyze campaign performance data for improving planning decisions
Spend Tracking by Client Total spend for clients with live campaigns over the past 30 days Analyze spend trends for pacing decisions

YTD Campaign Analytics Report

Year-to-date of performance analytics for all campaigns and properties

Analyze performance metrics of all of your campaigns at a high-level along with the details for future line item negotiation
YTD Vendor and Property Spend Year-to-date contracted spend with the vendors/properties on your campaigns Analyze high-level business concerns and decide on improvements

Select Platform List when a campaign has a multiple Platform types. Refer to the Property Rates by Vendor and YTD Vendor and Property Spend reports as examples.

You have the option to open the pre-built report and save it locally. The report name appears on the Layout page.