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Basis Provided

Vendors, Properties, and Contacts available to account team members in Basis

Created by system admin for all users


In Basis:

Min Bid: Lowest bid for an impression to achieve KPI.

Max Bid: Highest bid for an impression to achieve KPI.

Bid Step: The number of bid steps (up or down) during Optimization. The number is less than the Max Bid.

In Strata System, also known as an estimate (campaign) or quote.

Billing Download

Report output with the invoice details, that is, delivery report and update rounding, in Basis.

Billing Information

Contact details associated to the accounting receivable and payable

For example, a separate billing address from the organization's address

Billing Reconciliation

Synchronization or correction of differences of the invoice details

Blended CPM

Average of Cost Per Thousand Impressions across sections


Entity or organization owner of goods, services, or range of products that represents the company

Also known as Client, Advertiser

Brand Awareness

Campaign objective by improving the client's recognition and identity

Research information impacting the advertising on a client/brand

Brand Lift

Attempt to increase the brand identity, that is, image

Brand Safety Confirmation the ad impact is positive


Total amount allocated for a campaign media plan

In Basis, the initiative, campaign, and media plan (line items) have a target budget configuration.

Buy Authorization

Approval from the brand allowing a buyer to purchase placements from sellers (vendors)

Also know as Media Buy Authorization (MBA), Client Approval of a plan

Basis allows direct upload of the authorization as an attachment.

Buy Type

Type of media ad source for purchase, such as Direct

Also known as channel, channel, inventory, inventory type

and advertising channel


Organization interested in spending money on ads by reaching product or marketing objectives

Also known as Contact, User, Advertiser, and Individual