Creating Flights

Flights are ads scheduled to run during a campaign, with start and end dates during a specified period of time during the campaign. Flights allow running ad variations automatically at these specific times. If you have multiple flights, the next flight's start date is after the previous flight's end date.

You add flights to a line item in the campaign's media plan.

If you are using ad serving, a single tag is applied to the line item. The same tag copies to the next flights. The Ad Serving link displays under the last flight of the line item. You export the tag to the ad server. The ad server follows the flight dates of the placement.

Adding Flights to a Line Item

To add flights to a line item: 

  1. Go to Main Menu [] > Campaigns, then select your campaign.

  2. Open a media plan.

  3. Create a line item or click Edit on an existing line item.

  4. Select Add Flight from the line item's Options []. The line item is copied with all the same information, except for the dates. If you use a naming convention, the flight includes it.

    Line Item Options menu showing Add Flight, Copy, Duplicate, and Delete options.
  5. Enter or select the start and end dates from the date picker.

    Line Item Edit Mode with the flight start field selected ahowing the date picker calendar.
  6. (Optional) Modify any flight fields if applicable.

  7. (Optional) Enter ad serving estimated impressions and an ad serving rate if applicable.

  8. Click Save.

Deleting a Flight

To delete a flight:

  1. Make sure the media plan is in Edit mode.

  2. Select Delete from the flight's Options []

  3. Click Save. The flight appears crossed out until you click Save.