Modifying a Proposal

After you RFP vendors and start negotiations, they send you proposals. You can review their proposals on the planning grid, make changes to the line items, and send the vendor an update.

To modify a proposal:

  1. Go to Main Menu [] > Campaigns.

  2. Select a campaign.

  3. Open the vendor's proposal. You can do this two ways:

    1. Click Messages, find the vendor's message that includes the proposal, then click View Proposal. This opens the Media Plan page and loads their changes on the planning grid.
    2. Select a media plan. Above your Direct line item, click View proposals, then select the one you want to view. The most recent proposal is in bold.
  4. Review the proposed changes.

    Changes are color-coded: red means the vendor deleted a value, orange means edited, and green means added.

    1. Hover over the orange triangle in the corner of a cell to see the previous values.
    2. Click Hide differences to view your original line item details.
  5. To modify the vendor's proposal and send them an update, edit the line item and click Send update. This creates a new message.

    1. Describe your changes in the body of the message.
    2. Attach additional files if applicable.
    3. Enter a Respond by date and time if the proposal is time sensitive.
    4. Click Send update.
  6. Click Merge to accept the proposed changes and overwrite your current line item details. You cannot recover your original plan after you merge the proposal, but you can still edit the line item and send an update.

  7. Click Done to stop reviewing the proposal. Your line item returns to its original state.