Creating RFPs

After you create a channel, add properties, and create a line item, you can send a request for proposal (RFP) to potential vendors.

To create an RFP:

  1. Go to Main Menu [] > Campaigns.

  2. Select a campaign.

  3. Select a media plan.

  4. Select ActionsRFP in the upper-right corner.

    RFP Form
  5. Select the Vendors you want to send the RFP to.

  6. Select the Contacts from the menu next to the selected vendor.

  7. Select the Plans you want to send. If you don't want to send any plans, select None.

  8. Optional: Enter a Budget if you want to include one in the RFP.

  9. Enter a message in the Message Body.

    1. If you want to include additional documentation, attach a file below the message box. If you receive an error because the file type is not supported, upload a ZIP file that includes the original file.

      Message and Attach File section of the RFP modal
    2. Click Delete [] if you want to remove the attachment.

  10. Review the RFP details on the right. The Start and End dates are mandatory, but the other details are not. For example, if you do not select a client or objective, it will not appear in the RFP.

    1. Update the Start and End dates if necessary.

    2. Select the Client and Brand you want to include.

    3. Select the Verticals you want to include.

    4. Select an Objective and adjust the goal if necessary.

    5. Select the Format, Platform, and Ad Sizes if necessary.

  11. Optional: Enter a Respond by date and time in the fields at the bottom of the modal. Click PM to change the time to AM if necessary.

  12. Click Send RFP to send your finalized request for proposal.