Performance Report

Performance Reports break down performance data for a single campaign. You can see net or gross values and can break out spend for media, ad serving, and add-ons instead of viewing total spend.

Each row in a performance report represents a single line item on an individual property. Packages are treated as a single line item. The report shows the condensed values for the total package in a single row in the Excel file.

Performance Report Fields Table

Name Format Description Example



Location, site, or name of the ad space

Add-ons: Service Provider/Type

Add-ons: Nielsen/Brand Study

Line Item


Description of the line item with information such as target, market, and category

For Add-ons: Description of the add-on service

Tech, Science, US & World; Geo-target to Chicago, San Fran, and Toronto

Add-ons: Brand Study with monthly fee



Name of the delivery source (Daily Delivery report only)




Property digital ad type

Mobile, Tablet, Web Browser, Other



Ad configuration type of creative

Display, Video, Audio, Text, or Interstitial



Dimensions of the ad placement, if applicable

Width x Height (WxH) pixels

160x600, 300x600, or 230x33

Start Date


First day of the campaign based on the accepted insertion order (contracted) m/d/yyyy

For Add-ons: First day of the applied add-on and billed the next day


End Date


Last day of the campaign based on the accepted insertion order (contracted) m/d/yyyy

For Add-ons: Last day of the applied add-on


Name Format Report Visibility and Description
Actual Start Date Date First day Basis receives delivery greater than zero for any delivery metric within the contracted flight range.
Data Thru Date

Delivery through the date (m/d/yyyy)

Latest delivery information from the ad server received from Basis

Rate Type


Online ad space type rate (clicks, impressions, views, or actions) per the ordered units of the campaign (cost measurement)

The “units” depend on the Ordered Units Rate Type selection. This value applies to the line item in the entire contract, while some values in a row in the Daily Delivery report applies only to a single day.

Dynamic rate types are estimates for rates and contracted units.

For Add-ons: Flat

Media Contracted

Dollar ($)

Detailed Net: Amount ordered for the campaign excluding margin or markup

Detailed Gross:  Amount ordered for the campaign including ad server, margin or markup, and add-ons costs

Gross: N/A

Media: Amount charged for the campaign excluding ad server, margin or margin, and add-ons costs

Add-ons: add-on contrd (gross add-on cost)

Ad Serving Contracted Dollar ($)

Detailed Net and Gross: Amount of ad serving costs approved in the campaign

Gross and Media: N/A

Total Contracted Dollar ($)

Detailed Net, Detailed Gross, and Gross: Campaign amount ordered for all units within a campaign

Media: N/A

Media Spend Dollar ($)

Detailed Net:  Actual amount spent on the delivered units for the campaign excluding margin or markup costs

Detailed Gross:  Actual amount spent on the delivered units for the campaign including ad server, margin or markup, add-ons costs

Gross: N/A

Media:  Actual amount spent on the delivered units for the campaign excluding ad server, margin or markup and add-ons costs

Add-ons: add-on spend

Data Spend [DSP] Dollar ($)

Detailed Net and Gross: Amount spent on audience data

Gross and Media: N/A

Ad Serving Spend Dollar ($)

Detailed Net and Gross: Amount of ad serving

Gross and Media: N/A

Total Spend Dollar ($)

Detailed Net, Detailed Gross, and Gross: Actual gross amount charged for the billed units (uncapped)

Media: N/A

Media Unspent Dollar ($)

Detailed Net and Gross along with Media: Media costs remaining (unspent) for the campaign

Gross: N/A

Add-ons: add-on unspent (Zero value prior to start date, Add-on cost after start date)

Ad Serving Unspent Dollar ($)

Detailed Net and Gross: Ad serving costs remaining (unspent) for the campaign

Gross and Media: N/A

Total Unspent Dollar ($)

Detailed Net, Detailed Gross, and Gross: Actual gross amount remaining for the campaign

Media N/A

Media Projected Balance

Dollar ($)

Detailed Net and Gross along with Media: Prediction displaying the amount spent by the end of the campaign when pacing continues at the current rate based on the contracted budget

At the end of a campaign that has fully delivered:

Projected Balance = 0

Gross: N/A

Add-ons: Zero value after start date. Gross add-on value prior to start date.

Ad Serving Projected Balance Dollar ($)

Detailed Net and Gross: Prediction displaying the ad serving amount spent by the end of the campaign when pacing continues at the current rate based on the contracted budget

Gross and Media: N/A

Total Projected Balance Dollar ($)

Detailed Net, Detailed Gross, and Gross: Prediction displaying the gross amount spent by the campaign when pacing continues at the current rate based on the contracted budget

Media: N/A

Percent Gain/ Loss Percentage (%)

Detailed Net: Percentage (%) of gain or loss based on the total (gross) spend of the line items minus the net cost

Detailed Gross, Gross, and Media: N/A

Amount Gain/ Loss Dollar ($)

Detailed Net: Profit or spent values by line item or media plan totals

Detailed Gross, Gross, and Media: N/A

Planned Margin (or Markup) Percentage (%)

Detailed Net: Percentage (%) of gain or loss based in planning of the total (gross) spend of the line items minus the net cost

Detailed Gross, Gross, and Media: N/A


Percentage (%)

Speed of delivery relative to time and budget with a goal of 100%

To KPI Goal

Percentage (%

Difference between actual and goal KPI
Ad Serving Contracted CPM Dollar ($)

Detailed Net and Gross: Ad serving cost per impressions based on approval in the campaign

Gross and Media: N/A

Ad Serving Contracted Impressions Quantity

Detailed Net and Gross: Number of ad serving impression based on approval in the campaign

Gross and Media: N/A

Ad Serving Delivered Impressions Quantity)

Detailed Net and Gross: Number of ad serving per delivered impressions

Gross and Media: N/A

Media Contracted CPM Dollar ($)

Detailed Net and Gross along with Media: Amount of impressions ordered by line item or placement

Contracted count is lower than Delivered Impressions.

In-Flight: Imps occur within the flight dates.

Gross: N/A

Total Contracted CPM Dollar ($)

Detailed Gross and Gross: Gross amount of impressions ordered by line item or placement

Detailed Net and Media: N/A

Contracted Impressions Quantity Number of ordered impressions
Delivered Impressions


Number of impressions successfully delivered to the page with viewability information with a confirmed ad tag

In-Flight: Impressions occur within the flight dates.

Billable Impressions Quantity

Number of chargeable imps delivered in a specified time.

The total imps delivered for the campaign are equal to or less than the Contracted Units.


Dollar ($)

Effective cost per thousand impressions based on actual delivery

Media Contracted CPC

Dollar ($)

Detailed Gross: Cost of clicks ordered by line item or placement (Clicks are only counted once per impression.)

Click count is lower than Delivered Impressions.

In-Flight: Clicks occur within the flight dates.

Detailed Net, Gross, and Media: N/A

Total Contracted CPC Dollar ($)

Detailed Gross and Gross: Gross cost of clicks ordered by line item or placement (Clicks are only counted once per impression.)

Detailed Net and Media: N/A

Contracted Clicks Quantity

Detailed Gross and Gross: Number of ordered clicks

Detailed Net and Media: N/A

Delivered Clicks Quantity Number of reported placements completed on a live item
Billable Clicks


Detailed Gross and Gross: Number of chargeable clicks delivered in a specified time.

The total clicks delivered for the campaign are equal to or less than the Contracted Units.

Detailed Net and Media: N/A


Dollar ($)

Effective cost per click based on actual delivery


Percentage (%)

Click Through Rate

Delivered Completed Views Quantity

Number of completed views successfully delivered to the page

In-Flight: Completed views occur within the flight dates.

Effective Cost per Completed View Dollar ($)

eCPCV based on actual delivery

Video Starts Quantity

Number of video starts and delivered

Video Views Quantity

Number of ad videos viewed (watched or ran)

eCPV Dollar ($)

Effective cost per view based on actual delivery

Delivered Viewable Impressions

Quantity Number of impresses with a supported creative format and ad tag type


Dollar ($)

Effective cost per 1000 viewable impressions based on actual delivery

In-view Rate


Number of impressions visible on the screen per measurable impressions

Total Conversions

Quantity (#)

Number of conversions on the delivery date after an impression was delivered to the user’s browser including the lookback window.

In-Flight: Conversions occurred within the flight dates.

Total Conversion Rate

Percentage (%)

Conversion percentage rate

Total Conversion eCPA

Dollar ($)

Effective cost per conversion based on actual delivery

Click-Through Conversions

Quantity (#)

Number of click-through conversions on the delivery date after the user clicked an ad including the lookback window.

In-Flight: Click-through conversions occurred within the flight dates.

When a user has multiple impressions or clicks for the same ad, attribution for the conversion goes to the most recent impression or click.

Click-Through Conversion Rate

Percentage (%)

Percent of click through conversions per impression

Click-Through eCPA

Dollar ($)

Effective cost per click throughs based on actual delivery

View-Through Conversions


Number of conversions on the delivery date, after a viewable impression was delivered to the user's browser including the lookback window

In-Flight: View-through conversions occurred within the flight dates.

If a user has multiple impressions or clicks for the same ad, attribution for the conversion goes to the most recent impression or click.

View-Through Conversion Rate Percentage (%) Number of view through conversions per impression
View-Through eCPA

Dollar ($)

Effective cost per view throughs based on actual delivery

Subtotal (by property or section) Dollar ($)

Sum of the costs per metric for the property

Campaign Total Dollar ($) Sum of the costs per metric for the campaign