Revising an Insertion Order (IO)

During a live campaign, you monitor the performance of the line items and properties. To optimize the goals and budget of the campaign, you create a revised IO from an accepted IO

The buyer clicks the revise media plan button on the campaign overview.  Basis automatically generates the revised media plan (Rev #. #). The buyer modifies the applicable line item information. The buyer adds or modifies the line item(s).

When you cannot edit the fields of a revised media plan, create a new line item with a new end date.

Campaign Overview - Revise Media Plan Button

Campaign overview with Revise Media Plan highlighted

Campaign Overview - Rev. 1.1 Example

Campaign overview with revision examples

Media Plan Rev. 1.1 Example

Example of a revised media plan

The revised IO between the buyer and vendor requiring an IO goes through negotiations similar to the media plan proposal process. The revised media plan gains approval and the revised IO is sent for acceptance. After acceptance, the revised IO replaces the previous IO. The new IO has an updated version number.

A vendor with the optional IO, does not receive the revised IO for acceptance. The buyer proceeds without the IO. The vendor receives campaign confirmation under the Activity feed. The plan has the Accepted status.

The campaign overview lists the versions (Ver.#) and revisions. The last approved media plan indicates an Approved status. Past plans are read-only and indicate an Approved status. The plan information is read-only. The account team members enable the Show Archived Plans displaying the unapproved revised plans.

Archived Plans Example

Macintosh HD:private:var:folders:2b:8hxsgzb94h550dm_1_lr5srw9d23q5:T:Approved_greengray.png

Contracted IOs indicate a green Accepted label on the campaign and on the Approval side panel.  The Approval History also lists an archive by status.

Approvals and History Examples

Example of IOs in various status in the Approval Panel          IO example in History panel

Archived IOs Example

List of IOs in the Approval panel          List of IOs in various status in the Approval History

The name of the campaign does not change. The campaign collaborators view and edit Notes on the Dashboard.

The line item may require re-exporting based on the revised IO.