Installing Basis Assistant

To use Basis Assistant and install the Chrome extension:

  1. In Basis, go to Main Menu [] > Log out.

  2. Install the Chrome extension. On the Chrome web store, you can search for "Basis Assistant" to find the extension.

  3. Click Connect to connect to Basis:

    Connect button highlighted on the connection required modal
  4. Sign in to Basis.

  5. Click Authorize to authorize Basis Assistant to connect to your Basis account.

    Autorization modal for Basis Assistant
  6. Enable the sources you want to use.

    List of available sources with all sources selected
  7. Open Basison any of your enabled sources. Basis Assistant is minimized at the bottom of your window.

  8. Click Basis Assistant to expand it.

  9. Select a Basis campaign you're working on.

    List of Basis campaigns filtered by search keyword
  10. Enter your notes if applicable.

  11. Click Add.