



Date Actual Start Date

Actual Start Date = First day Basis receives delivery greater than zero for any delivery metric within the contracted flight range


Ad Serving Rate

In Cost and Units Mode:

Ad Serving Cost = Ad Serving Rate X Est Qty / 1000

Rate Mode:

Ad Serving Cost is user entered.

Basis auto populates the Est. Qty for CPM rate type. Manually, the user enters the Est. Qty for the other rate types for auto calculations. Ad serving is independent from media cost.

$ Ad Serving Spend

Ad Serving Spend (Delivered) = Delivered Imps X Media Ad Serving Rate / 1000

Ad Serving Spend (Actual) = Ad Serving Rate (Gross) X Est Qty / 1000

% AV Completion Rate

For YouTube:

Completion Rate = Video Completes / Impressions

$ Line Item Ad Serving Spend

Line Item Ad Serving Spend (Contracted) = Ad Serving Cost /(1-margin)

(Creative Performance Report)

$ Budget

Approved Budget = Total gross cost of all line items and gross value for add-ons on the approved media plan in Basis

Gross Contracted Budget =Direct Total Gross Cost + DSP Total Gross Cost + Total Gross Add-on Cost

Media Contracted Budget = Direct Total Media Cost + DSP Total Media Cost + Total Media Add-on Cost

Forecasting: Tactic Budget = Daily Budget X In Flight Days Remaining + Projected Spend

$ Calculated Budget (Total)

Calculated Budget (Total) = Daily Budget X Total Days

% Click Rate

Click Rate = Number of Clicks / Number of Impressions

Qty Companion CTC

Companion CTC Rate = Companion CTC / Companion Clicks

% Companion CTC Rate

Companion CTR = Companion Clicks / Companion Impressions Won

% Completion Rate

Completion Rate = 100% Complete / Video Starts

$ Contracted Amount

Gross Contracted Amount (Billing) = (Ordered Units X Gross Rate) / 1000 [CPM and Dynamic CPM]

Gross Contracted Amount (Billing) = (Ordered Units X Gross Rate)

Net Contracted Amount (Billing) = (Ordered Units X Net Rate) / 1000 [CPM and Dynamic CPM]

Net Contracted Amount (Billing) = (Ordered Units X Net Rate)

$ Contracted Budget

Contracted Budget (Net) = Media Rate x Ordered Units / 1000 [CPM imps Rate Type]

Flat (Flat imps, Flat views, etc.): Contract Budget (Net view) is not tied to the Ordered Units.

Added Value: Contracted Budget (Net) is always 0.

All other cost types: Contracted Budget (Net) = Media Rate x Ordered Units

$ Conversion Rate

Total Conversion Rate = Total Conversions (Delivered) / Imps (Delivered)

Click Conversion Rate = Click Conv (Delivered) / Clicks (Delivered)

View Conversion Rate = View Conv (Delivered) / Imps (Delivered)

Interacts Conversion Rate = Interacts (Delivered) / Imps (Delivered)

$ Costs

Gross Cost = Media Cost + Gain/Loss + Ad Serving Cost

Gross Cost = Net Cost + Ad Serving Cost + Margin Cost [Insights]

Media Cost = Media Rate X Ordered Units

Media Cost = Media Rate X Ordered Units / 1000 [CPM imps Rate Type]

AV Rate Type: Media Cost is $0.00 since the rate is zero (0).

Contracted Media Cost = Direct Total Media Cost + DSP Total Media Cost + Total Add-on Cost [DSP]

Contacted Media Spend = Media Rate / Contracted Units [Insights]


CPA = Total Spend / Total Actions (conversions)

(Actions = Downloads, Install, Calls, Views, etc)

% CPA Click Conversions

CPA Click Conversions = Total Spend / Total CPA Click Conversions

CPA Click Conversions (Line Items) = Direct Total Click Actions / Direct Total Click Actions (conversions) [DSP]

% CPA View Conversions

CPA View Conversions = Total Spend / Total View Conversions

CPA View Conversions (Line Items) = Direct Total View Conversions / Direct Total Impressions) [DSP]

% CPA Total Conversions

CPA Total Conversions = CPA Click Conversions + CPA View Conversions

CPA Total Conversions (Line Items) = Direct Total Conversions / Direct Total Impressions [DSP]


CPCV=Total Spend / Total Views Completions

Flat CPCV = Total Views Completions

AV CPCV =N/A ($0.00)



CPM = (Cost / Impressions) X 1000

For Max CPM, the Cost includes Max Bid + Data Costs + Tech Fees


CPV = Total Spend / Total Views

% Click-Through Conversion Rate

Click Through Conversion Rate = Click Conversions (Delivered) / Clicks (Delivered)

$ Click-Through Conversion Revenue

Total Revenue = CTC Revenue + VTC Revenue

Total RPM = CTC Revenue + VTC Revenue / (Imps Won / 1000)

% Click-Through Rate (CTR)

CTR=Delivered Clicks / Delivered Imps

CTR (Line Items) = (Direct Number of Clicks + DSP Number of Clicks) / (Direct Number of Imps + DSP Number of Imps) [DSP]

Days Days

Days Remaining = Flight End Date - Today's Date

Days Delivered to Date = (Today's Date - Flight Start Date) + 1

% Delivery %

Delivery % = Billable Units / Contracted Unit

Delivery % = Gross Spend / Contracted Total Spend [Insights]

Delivery % = Net Spend / Contracted Net Spend [Insights]

$ DSP Spend

DSP Spend = Media Spend + Data Spend

# Dwell Score

Dwell Score = Time on an Ad X Rate of Engagement

Qty Dynamic CPCV


Videos Completed = Gross Cost / Gross Rate

Qty Dynamic CPC (Clicks)


Clicks = Gross Cost / Gross Rate

Qty Dynamic CPM (Imps)


Impressions = Gross Cost / Gross Rate



eCPA (Gross view) = Total Spend / Total Conversions

eCPA (Net view) = Total Spend / Total Conversions



eCPC (Gross view) = Total Spend / Delivery Clicks

eCPC (Net view) = Total Spend / Delivery Clicks



eCPCV (Gross view) = Total Spend / Total Videos Completed

eCPCV (Net view) = Total Spend / Total Videos Completed

eCPCV = Delivered Spend / Delivered Video Completions



eCPM (Gross view) = (Total Spend / Delivered Imps) X 1000

eCPM (Net view) = (Total Spend / Delivered Imps) X 1000

Media eCPM = Media Spend / (Imps Won / 1000) [DSP]

Data eCPM = Data Spend / (Imps Won / 1000) [DSP]



eCPV (Gross view) = Total Spend / Video Completions

eCPV (Net view) = Total Spend / Video Starts

eCPV = Delivered Spend / Delivered Views



eCPVI (Gross view) = (Total Spend / Delivered Viewable Imps) X 1000

eCPVI (Net view) = (Total Spend / Delivered Viewable Imps) X 1000

Eligible eCPVI = (Total Eligible Spend / Delivered Viewable Imps) X 1000

eCPVI = vCPM for DSP Optimize

Date End Date

Approved End Date = Latest line item end date on the last approved media plan in Basis

Contracted End Date = Latest line item end date on the last accepted IO for a vendor in Direct

Qty Estimated Units

Estimated Units = Cost / Estimated Rate

Estimated Imps or Clicks = Budget /Estimated Rate

% Event Rate

Event Rate = Events / Clicks


EPC = Click-through Conversions Revenue / Delivered Clicks [DSP]

(EPC = CTC Revenue / Clicks)

Qty Flight

Days in Flight = (Flight End Date - Flight Start Date) +1

% Frequency GRP / Reach
$ Gain/Loss

Gain/Loss = Gross Cost - Media Cost - Ad Serving Cost

Gain = Value is greater (>) than or equal (=) to 0. (positive value)

Loss = Value is less (<) than 0. (negative value)

Total Gain/Loss = Total Gross Cost - Total Media Cost

Gain/Loss = (Total Spend (Gross) - Media Spend (Net) - Ad Serving Spend (Net))

Gain/Loss = (Total Spend (Gross) - Media Spend (Net) - Ad Serving Spend (Net) - Data Spend (Net) [DSP]

Gain/Loss = (Media Spend (Net) X Markup) + (Markup X Ad Serving Spend (Net)) [DSP]

$ Gross Cost

Gross Cost = Media Cost + Gain/Loss + Ad Serving Cost

Gross Cost = Net Cost + Ad Serving Cost + Margin Cost [Insights]


Gross Rate

In Overview Planning:

Cost Mode: Gross Rate = (Media Rate + Ad Serving Rate) / (1-margin %) or Gross Rate = Media Rate + (Media Rate X Markup)

Units Mode: Gross Rate = Gross Cost / Ordered Units

Gross Rate = Gross Cost / Ordered Units x 1000 [Dynamic or CPM imps Rate Type in Units Mode]

When the rate type is Dynamic or CPM (imps), Gross Rate = Gross Cost / Ordered Units x 1000

Gross Rate = Gross Cost / Ordered Units [All other Rate Types]

For Flat rate type, the gross rate is not applicable. The payment is flat and based on serving the first impression for a line item.

For AV rate type, the net rate is always zero (0). The gross rate is based on the ad serving costs.

Gross Rate = Media Rate + (Media Rate X Markup)

In Analytics:

Gross Rate = Delivered Units X Media Rate (Contract column)

Est Gross Rate = Est. Media Rate + (Est. Media Rate X Margin) (DSP)


GRP (Gross Rating Points) = (Impressions / Universe Estimate) * 100

Aggregate total (sum) of ratings

Qty Impressions

Impressions = Gross Cost / Gross Rate


% In View Rate

In View Rate = Viewable Impressions / Measurable Impressions

In View = Direct Viewable Impressions / Measurable Impressions [DSP]

% Interaction Rate

Interaction Rate = Total Interactions / Impressions

Total Interactions = Direct Total Interactions / Direct Total Delivered Impressions [DSP]

% KPI Goal

To KPI Goal %= Delivered Unit (Gross or Net) / KPI Goal X 100

$ Line Item Media (contracted) + Data Spend

Line Item Media (contracted) + Data Spend = Margin Rate + Media Cost (planning) + Data Spend (Net analytics)

(Creative Performance Report)

% Markup

Markup = (1 / (1 - Margin)) -1

% Margin

Total Margin % = (Total Gross Cost – Total Media Cost – Total Ad Serving Cost) / (Total Gross Cost)

Margin = Markup/(Markup +1)


Margin = Gross Cost - Net Cost - Ad Serving Cost [Insights]

$ Margin Cost

Margin = Gross Cost - Media Cost - Ad Serving Cost / Gross Cost

Actual Margin Cost = Total Spend (Gross) - Media Spend (Net) - Ad Serving Spend (Net) / Total Spend (Gross)

Margin Cost = Gross Cost X Margin % (DSP)

% Measured Rate

Measured Rate = Total Measured Impressions / Total Eligible Impressions

$ Media Cost

Media Cost = Media Rate X Ordered Units

Media Cost = Media Rate X Ordered Units / 1000 [CPM imps Rate Type]

AV Rate Type: Media Cost is $0.00 since the rate is zero (0).

Contracted Media Cost = Direct Total Media Cost + DSP Total Media Cost + Total Add-on Cost [DSP]

Contacted Media Spend = Media Rate / Contracted Units [Insights]

Media Cost = (1 - Margin %) X Est. Gross Cost (DSP)

$ Media Rate

Est Media Rate = (1 - Margin %) X Est. Gross Rate (DSP)

Media CPM Rate = Media rate (amount) charged for placements per thousand (Contracted)

Media Rate = Gross Rate - (Gross Rate X Margin)

For AV rate type, the media rate is always zero (0). The gross rate is based on the ad serving costs.

Flat rate does not have a media rate.

In Analytics:

Net view: Media Rate under the Contract column carries over from the Overview Planning (Net value under the Rates column)

In Basis planning, Cost and Units Mode:

For Flat rate type, the gross rate is not applicable.  The payment is flat and based on serving the first impression for a line item.

For AV rate type, the media rate is always zero (0). The gross rate is based on the ad serving costs.

Media (Net) CPM Rate -  Media rate (amount) charged for placements per thousand (Contracted)

$ Media Spend


Media Spend (Gross view) = Media Spend (Gross) / (1-Margin)


Media Spend = Media Rate X Delivery Units (Fixed)

Media Spend = Delivered Units > 0 (Flat)

$ Ordered Units Rate Type

Ordered Units Rate Type = CPM (or CPVI) / Ordered Imps



(Total Spend + Yesterday's Total Spend * Remaining Days) / Total contracted budget

% Over pacing

Over pacing: Delivering more than what is purchased before the end date. (Delivery is too fast.) An over pacing alert appears >110%.

Pacing >110% = Net Cost X ((1-pacing) X -1)

% Under pacing

Under pacing: Delivery is too slow. Delivering less than what is purchased before the end date. (Delivery is too slow and may be an estimated loss.) An under pacing alert appears <90%.

Pacing <90% =Net Cost X ((1-pacing) X -1)

Qty Progress

Progress = the lesser of 1.0 or (Days since date of first in-flight delivery / (Contracted end date – date of first in-flight delivery + 1))

$ Proj. Balance

Projected Balance (Line Item) = Contracted Cost X ( - (1 - Pacing))

Projected Balance (Total) = All Line Items Projected Balances

Projected Balance (Line Item) = (Line Item Contracted Cost) X ((-1) X (1 - pacing)) [DSP]

Projected Balance (Campaign Overview) = DSP Line Item Projected Balance (Gross) + Direct Line Items Projected Balance (Gross) [DSP]

Projected Balance (Campaign Overview ) = DSP Line Item Projected Balance (Net) + Direct Line Item Projected Balance (Net) [DSP]

Projected Balance (Live Flight) = Contracted Amount (Gross) X -(1-Pacing)

% Projected Completion Rate

Projected Completion Rate= (Total Spend to Date + (Yesterday's Total Spend X Remaining Days)) / Total Budget

$ Projected Spend

Projected Spend = Total Spend to Date + (Yesterday's Total Spend X Remaining Days)

Forecasting: Projected Spend = min (Tactic Budget, Uncapped Spend)

Daily Tactic Budget: Projected Spend = min ((Max Est. Imps X Remaining Flight Days X (Tactic Max CPM ) / 1000) + Total Spend), Tactic Daily Budget X Remaining Flight Days + Spend)

All-time Tactic Budget: Projected Spend =

min ((Max Est. Imps X Remaining Flight Days X (Tactic Max CPM ) / 1000) + Total Spend), Tactic All-time Budget X Remaining Flight Days + Spend)

Qty Remaining Days

Predictive Schedule Indicator

Remaining Days = Contracted End Date - Day +1

$ Remaining Spend

Remaining Spend = Total Contracted Spend (Gross) - Total Spend (Gross)

$ Revenue

Total Revenue = CTC Revenue + VTC Revenue

Total RPM = CTC Revenue + VTC Revenue / (Imps Won / 1000)


ROAS = Total Revenue / (Media Spend + Data Spend ) [DSP]

Gross ROAS = Revenue / Gross Total Spend

Net ROAS = Revenue / Net Total Spend

ROAS = (CTC Revenue + VTC Revenue) / (Total Spend X 100) [DSP Optimize]


ROI = (Total Revenue – Total Media Cost / Total Media Cost



SOV = impressions (or clicks, actions, etc.) / total

Date Start Date

Approved Start Date = Earliest line item start date on the last approved media plan in Basis

Contracted Start Date = Earliest line item start date on the last accepted IO for a vendor in Direct

Actual Start Date = First day of the campaign (planning or live status)

$ Target Spend

Target Spend = Contracted Cost (Gross) X Progress [Spend Pacing]

Target Spend = Contracted Units (Gross) X Progress [Unit Pacing]

Target Spend = Total Cost X Progress

On Schedule Indicator by Line Item

Target Spend = Total Cost X Progress

On Schedule Indicator (Campaign totals)

Target Spend = Line Item Target Spend 1 + Line Item Target Spend 2 + Line Item Target Spend n

(Sum of all target spend line items)

Daily Target Spend = Remaining (Unspent) Spend / Remaining Days

Predictive Schedule Indicator by Line Item

Expected Spend = Total Spend + (Yesterday's Media Spend X Days Remaining (Gross)

Predictive Schedule Indicator (Campaign totals)

Expected Spend = Line Item 1 Expected Spend + Line Item 2 Expected Spend + Line Item Expected Spend n

Qty Total Conversions

Total Conversions = Total Click Conversions + Total View Conversions

Campaign Totals:

Total Conversions (Line Items) = (Direct Total Conversions + DSP Total Conversions) / (Direct Total Imps + DSP Total Imps)

Click Conversions (Line Items) = (Direct Click Conversions + DSP Click Conversions) / (Direct Imps + DSP Imps)

View Conversions (Line Items) = (Direct View Conversions + DSP View Conversions) / (Direct Imps + DSP Imps)

$ Total Spend

Total Spend = (Billable Units X Gross Rate) / 1000

Total Spend = (Billable Units X Gross Rate)

(Gross or Net View)

Total Spend (Net) = Media Spend + Data Spend

Capped at Contracted Cost:

Total Spend (Gross) = ((Ad Serving Spend (Net) / 1-Ad Serving Margin) + (Media Spend (Net) /1-margin))

Forecasting (Uncapped): Total Spend = Est imps X In Flight Days Remaining X (Tactic Max CPM / 1000)



Cost Mode: Units = Gross Cost / Net Rate x (1+(Margin% / (1-Margin%)) + Ad Serving Rate)

Units = Gross Cost / (Net Rate + Ad Serving Rate) X (1+(Margin% / (1-Margin%)) + Ad Serving Rate) x 1000) [For CPM imps]

On Schedule Indicator

Target Units = Contracted Units X Progress

Predictive Schedule Indicator

Expected Units = Total Units + (Yesterday's Delivered Units * Days Remaining)

Estimated Units = Cost / Estimated Rate

Estimated Imps or Clicks = Budget /Estimated Rate

Est. Units = (Gross Cost / Est. Gross Rate) X 1000 [DSP]

$ Unspent

Unspent (Net) =Contracted (Net) Amount- Total Spend (Net)

Unspent (Gross) = Contracted (Gross) Amount- Total Spend (Gross)

Total Unspent (Net) = Total Spend (Net Contracted) - Total Spend (Net Actual) [Insights]

Flat Rate in-flight with delivery for billable unit: Total Unspent (Net) = 0

Flat Rate in-flight with no delivery for the billable unit: Total Unspent (Net) = Contracted (Media) Amount

% Videos Completions Rate

Videos Completed Rate = Videos Completed / Video Starts (Delivered)

Videos Completed (to KPI goal) = Videos Completed Rate / KPI Goal

Number of videos displayed to endpoint

For YouTube:

Videos Completed Rate = Impressions x Google Ads 100% Quartile Value

% Videos Starts Rate

Video Starts Rate = Video Starts / Measurable Imps

Video Starts Rate (Line Item) = (Direct Video Starts + DSP Video Starts) / (Direct Measurable Imps + DSP Measurable Imps) [DSP]


Viewable Rate

Viewability Rate

Viewable Rate = Total Viewable Impressions / Total Measured Impressions

Viewability Rate (To KPI Goal) = Goal / (Total Viewable Impressions / Total Measure Impressions)

% View through Conversion Rate

View through Conversions Rate = Total View Through Conversions / Measurable Imps

% Win Rate

Win Rate = Imps Won / Imps Bid

Win rate is calculated using available impression opportunities in real time. Due to factors such as header bidding, you may experience a win rate % that is lower than expected.
We recommend using tactic forecasting and bid guidance to gauge available inventory by winning price, where historical win data is used to predict the amount of available inventory.

$ Yesterday's Spend

Yesterday's Spend = Yesterday Media (Net) Spend + Yesterday Data Spend

Net Yesterday's Spend = Media Spend + Data Spend

Basis stores rate and cost data to 8 decimal points. The user has the ability to enter the 8 decimal points. Based on the Platform views and reports, the user may see 2-4 decimal points. Tooltips are available to display the full 8 points.

The calculations for billing reflect the dollar amounts up to the penny, or 2 decimal points. For example, if the value is 10,000.01, the displayed and billed amount is $10,000. The calculations for percentages reflect the amount up to 4 decimal points.