DSP Line Item Rates and Costs

When you set up a line item, you enter some of the Rate and Cost values, while others are calculated for you.

Values You Enter

  • est net is the estimated CPM you expect to pay for 1000 impressions.

  • ad serving rate is the ad serving cost you expect to pay per 1000 impressions.

  • est margin or markup is the margin or markup you expect to charge, expressed as a percentage.

  • gross cost is the total you will pay for all impressions and ad serving fees.

Calculated Values

  • est imps shows the number of impressions you can expect to buy, given the rates and costs you've entered.

    Calculated by: est imps = 1000 *  [gross - (gross * est margin/100)] / (est net + ad serving rate)

  • est gross totals the est net and ad serving rates.

    Calculated by: est gross = 1000 * gross / est imps

  • net is the expected net cost for the impressions alone (without ad serving fees)

    Calculated by: net = (est net * est imps) / 1000

  • ad serving cost shows the expected total cost for ad serving.

    Calculated by: ad serving cost = (ad serving rate * est imps) / 1000

  • est gain gives your estimated profit for the line item.

    Calculated by: est gain = gross * est margin / 100

    Calculated by: est gain = (net media * est markup) + (markup & ad serving rate)

Example: No Margin (or Markup)

If a line item has gross costs of $1000, with no margin (or markup), estimated net rates of $4.50 CPM and $0.50 for ad serving:

  • est imps = 1000 *  [gross - (gross * est margin /100)] / (est net + ad serving rate)

    = 1000 * [$1000.00 -($1000.00 * 0)] / ($4.50 + $0.50)

    = 1000 * [$1000.00 / $5.00]

    = 200,000

  • est gross = 1000 * gross / est imps

    = 1000 * $1000.00 / 200,000

    = $5.00

  • net = (est net * est imps) / 1000

    = $4.50 * 200,000 / 1000

    = $900.00

  • ad serving = (ad serving rate * est imps) / 1000

    = ($0.50 * 200,000) /1000

    = $100.00

  • est gain= gross * est margin / 100

    $1000.00 * 0 / 100

    = $0.00

A dynmaic CPM example with no margin or markup

Example: Margin

If a line item has gross costs of $1000, with a 25% margin, estimated net rates of $4.50 CPM and $0.50 for ad serving:

  • est imps = 1000 *  [gross - (gross * est margin /100)] / (est net + ad serving rate)

    = 1000 * [$1000.00 -( $1000.00 * .25)] / ($4.50 + $0.50)

    = 1000 * [$750.00 / $5.00]

    = 150,000

  • est gross = 1000 * gross / est imps

    = 1000 * $1000.00 / 150,000

    = $6.6667

  • net = (est net * est imps) / 1000

    = $4.50 * 150,000 / 1000

    = $675.00

  • ad serving = (ad serving rate * est imps) / 1000

    = ($0.50 * 150,000) /1000

    = $75.00

  • est gain= gross * est margin / 100

    $1000.00 * 25.00 / 100

    = $250.00

A dynmaic CPM example with a margin