Cross-Device Report
Use cross-device reports to learn about how users interact with ads across their devices. This information can help you improve targeting parameters to reach your desired KPIs.
Cross-device reports only include data from when cross-device was enabled for a tactic. For example, if a tactic runs from January 1 to January 31 but cross-device is enabled from January 15 to January 31, a cross-device report pulled for January 1 to January 31 will only include stats from January 15 to January 31.
Frequency: The number of times an ad was seen.
Reach: The number of unique users that saw an ad.
If a user is part of the cross-device graph and sees one ad on their phone and one ad on their tablet, that counts as one unique person.
If a user is not part of the cross-device graph and sees one ad on their phone and one ad on their tablet, that counts as two unique people.
Report Options
Review the following sections to learn about available options for this report type.
Brand > Cross-Device Reach by Audience
Brand > Cross-Device Reach by Device Type
Brand > Cross-Device Reach by Frequency
Brand > Cross-Device Reach by Average Frequency
Group > Cross-Device Reach by Audience
Group > Cross-Device Reach by Device Type
Group > Cross-Device Reach by Frequency
Group > Cross-Device Reach by Average Frequency
Tactic > Cross-Device Reach by Audience
Tactic > Cross-Device Reach by Device Type
Tactic > Cross-Device Reach by Frequency
Tactic > Cross-Device Reach by Average Frequency
Reach by audience shows how a campaign that targeted one or more audiences was able to reach the same user on other devices using cross-device targeting.
Reach by device type shows how impressions were delivered across different device types.
Reach by frequency shows the number of times that a user saw an ad across all of their devices.
Reach by average frequency shows the average number of times that a user saw an ad across all of their devices.
Data Through
45 days maximum
Data available as of August 1, 2017
Conversions cannot be included in this report.
Report Data
Review the following table to see a breakdown of the dimensions and metrics available in this report.
Column Name | Example | Description |
Brand ID | 37841 | The brand's identification number. |
Brand Name | Plumbers Inc. | The name of the brand. |
Group ID | 511087 | The group's identification number. |
Group Name | ABC Plumbing | The name of the group. |
Tactic ID | 654123 | The tactic's identification number. |
Campaign Name | Fall Awareness 2020 | The name of the campaign. |
Campaign ID | 310833 | The campaign ID. |
Line Item Name | Women A18-25 | The name of the line item the data is being reported for. |
Tactic Name | SuperCool Scooters SummerBlast 2016 - Audience Soccer Moms | The name of the tactic. |
Start Date | 20180301 |
The tactic's start date. DSP Reports are in Eastern time. |
End Date | 20180315 |
The tactic's end date. DSP Reports are in Eastern time. |
Frequency |
20979 |
Reach by Frequency reports only. The number of times an ad was seen. |
Avg. Frequency | 3.52 |
Reach by Average Frequency reports only. The average number of times a user saw an ad across all their devices. |
Device Type | PHONE |
Reach by Device Type reports only. The type of device that the ad was sent to. Valid values:
Targeting | Audience + Cross-Device Targeting |
Reach by Audience reports only. The targeting used by the tactic. |
Reach (Unique Devices) |
19595 |
Reach by Frequency and Reach by Device Type reports only. The number of unique devices that saw the ad. |
Reach (Unique People) |
15394 |
The number of unique people who saw the ad.
Imps. Won |
20979 |
The number of impressions won. |
Clicks |
3 |
The number of ad clicks. |
0.01% |
Click-through rate, calculated by this formula: Clicks / Impressions |
Net eCPM |
$4.57 |
Total effective cost per mille: eCPM (Gross view) = (Total Spend / Delivered Imps) X 1000 eCPM (Net view) = (Total Spend / Delivered Imps) X 1000 Media eCPM = Media Spend / (Imps Won / 1000) [DSP] Data eCPM = Data Spend / (Imps Won / 1000) [DSP] |
Net eCPC |
$3.35 |
Effective cost per click: eCPC (Gross view) = Total Spend / Delivery Clicks eCPC (Net view) = Total Spend / Delivery Clicks |
Net eCPA |
$5.31 |
Effective cost per conversion: eCPA (Gross view) = Total Spend / Total Conversions eCPA (Net view) = Total Spend / Total Conversions |
1 |
Click-through conversions: conversions recorded after a user clicked an ad in the tactic. |
1 |
View-through conversions: conversions recorded after a user saw an ad from the tactic but did not click through. |
Total Conversions |
2 |
All click-through and view-through conversions added together: CTC + VTC |
CTC Revenue |
$423.82 |
Click-through revenue: revenue associated with click-through conversions. |
VTC Revenue |
$115.76 |
View-through revenue: revenue associated with view-through conversions. |
Total Revenue |
$539.58 |
Revenue associated with all conversions: CTC Revenue + VTC Revenue |
Media Spend |
$44.80 |
Amount spent on media. |
Data Spend |
$23.27 |
Amount spent on audience data. |
Net Spend | $21.22 |
Amount spent on media and audience data: Media Spend + Data Spend |
Cross Device Spend | $3.49 | Amount spent on cross device targeting. |
Example: Reach by Audience
Assume a campaign is targeting Audience 1, which has cookie information about Users A, B, and C.
If the campaign runs without cross-device targeting, the users will only see impressions on their desktops. If the campaign runs with cross-device targeting, the users can see impressions on their other devices.
Audience | User | Device | Impressions shown if a campaign runs without Cross-Device | Impressions shown if a campaign runs with Cross-Device support |
Audience 1 | User A | Desktop A | 3 | 3 |
Mobile A | 0 | 2 | ||
User B | Dekstop B | 2 | 2 | |
Mobile B | 0 | 3 | ||
Tablet B | 0 | 1 | ||
User C | Desktop C | 4 | 4 | |
Tablet C | 0 | 4 |
The report would show:
Targeting | Reach (Unique Devices) | Impressions Won |
Audience Targeting | 3 | 9 |
Audience + Cross Device Targeting | 7 | 19 |