Setting Video Options (Tactic Editor)

When you set up a tactic that supports video ads, you can specify how the video will play on the Video tab of the Tactic Editor.

How It Works

When an exchange offers a bid request for a video impression, the request includes details about how the winning video ad will play. Your tactic only bids on the impressions that match the video options you choose.

To set video options:

  1. Go to Main Menu [] > Campaigns.

  2. Select a campaign.

  3. Select a media plan.

  4. Select Options > Edit to the left of a topic. The tactic editor appears.

  5. Select Targeting > Video.

  6. Enable the video options you want for your ad.

Video Options

Option Description

Placement Type

Choose where the ad plays compared to the requested video content. In-stream roll position/placement types are defined in the Video help link and details in the IAB Video Advertising Glossary.

  • Instream ads play within the requested video content.
    • Pre-Roll ads play before the requested video content.
    • Mid-Roll ads play during the requested video content.
    • Post-Roll ads play after the requested video content.
    • Unspecified roll position includes impressions that don't specify a roll position.
  • Outstream ads play as in-read or native video content within non-video content, such as in the middle of an article.
  • Unspecified placement type includes impressions where the exchange don't declare a specific placement type.

Player Size

Player size options let you choose whether the tactic should bid on impressions with a small player size, impressions that don't specify a player size, or both.

  • Select Exclude small player size to only target impressions with dimensions greater than 310px wide and 174px tall.
  • Select Exclude unspecified player size to only target impressions with defined player sizes.

Skippable Ads

Skippable ads are video ads that the viewer can stop watching after a few seconds. If an in-stream impression is non-skippable, then the viewer must watch the entire ad before starting or returning to the requested video content.

Many exchanges do not yet indicate skippability—if you don't select unspecified skippable impressions, available inventory may be significantly limited.

  • Select Skippable video impressions to target impressions that allow viewers to skip video ads.
  • Select Non-skippable video impressions to target impressions that do not allow viewers to skip video ads.
  • Select Unspecified skippable impressions to target impressions that do not specify whether viewers can skip the ad or not.

Playback Method

Choose how and when the video can start playing. Auto-play ads play the video ad automatically, with or without sound. Other ads might require a click or mouseover to begin playing.

Options include:

  • Auto-play with sound on
  • Auto-play with sound off
  • Click to play
  • Mouseover to play
  • Unknown
  • Unspecified playback method