

Doceree provides unprecedented access to over two million physicians across the globe within the professional environments where they are most likely to engage with healthcare-related messaging.

Doceree is the market leader in professional healthcare professional (HCP) supply, providing access to over 400 HCP platforms spanning medical journals, medical associations, medical education platforms, electronic health record platforms, tele-health platforms, and more.

If you have a programmatic campaign with the objective of engaging healthcare professionals, Doceree can bring a new high performing dimension to your channel mix.

At a Glance

Top Geos Traffic Types Formats
US - 100%

Web - 63%

Mobile Web - 37%

Display - 100%

For the most up-to-date information on avails and specific inventory, go to the Inventory Directory in Basis.

Technical Considerations

All buying is done using deals. A number of evergreen deals are available in the deal library. Custom deals can be created upon request. Doceree is able to target individual registered practitioner IDs. Please contact for details.

Sensitive Categories

Coming soon!

Exchange Provided Documentation

Doceree Partner Network