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Landing Page

Website displaying the ad impression

Last Edited/Saved

Time duration of the most recent stored change by a user in Basis

When multiple users modify a plan simultaneously, Basis stores the most recent, saved change. The last user to save a change to the media plan overrides the previous changes. The media plan reflects the "Last saved" by time.

Line Item


Overall details (goals and strategy), process, purchase, and delivery of an ad

Line item captures the media details being purchased along with the buy method. After line item approval, Basis measures performance and contract fulfillment. Line items also allow modifications throughout the campaign.

Targeting parameters and budget that apples to multiple sites, domains, and/or placements for Basis DSP

Also known as tactic, placement, package, segment, campaign, plan

Line Item ID

Unique identification code created by Basis.

The line item ID is only visible in Creative Performance report.


Link icon indicates mapped delivery in Basis.

Live Campaign status from the start and end dates

Lookalike Modeling

Targeting new customers similar to existing brands

Lookback Window

Time after viewing or clicking on an ad and the user performs a completed action

The completed action is required to count as a conversion.