Return to List of Common Terms

Manual closes

Number of times an out-of-banner ads concluded by a user


Location service for mobile and web applications available in Basis, such as Hyperlocal

Mapbox Attribution


Associating delivery information to the sources

Ad server delivery data of all placements allowing break down by units, such as placement size


Variable upcharge usually by percentage (%) of normal cost

Actual margin is the percentage (%) of gain or loss based on the total (gross) spend of the line items minus the media cost.

Also known as Margin Rate or Cost

Margin Rate

Billable upcharge amount added to the gross cost

In Basis, the margin field is found under the Rates column in Planning.


Area or location of the target audience

Demographics by location


Variable upcharge to the final cost

Markup percentage (%) is based on the difference between the actual cost and the rate cost (selling price).

Markup Rate

Billable upcharge amount added to the media rate

In Basis, the markup field is found under the Rates column in Planning.

Master Payment Export

Report in a single file including all payment information for all vendors of the organization for a specific period of time

Measurable Impressions

Successful impression delivery with an ad tag

Successful impression confirms the media delivery to the page and contains viewability information.

MBA Media Buy Authorization

Multidimensional Expression Language

In Basis Insights, the MDX formulas are available under the metric name details. The MDX formula appears in creating custom calculations.

Media Brief

Outline of initial marketing objectives from brand

(Refer to RFP.)

Media Buy

Proposed purchase for ad placements

Approved media buy is known as a Media Buy Authorization (MBA).

Also known as Proposal

Media Cost

Net cost (amount) of media agreed upon in insertion order

Also known as Media Contracted Amount, Net Cost, Contracted Cost

Media Plan

Proposal including add-ons, channels, properties, vendors, and line items for meeting the campaign objectives

Media plan allows research, negotiation, and proposals to the buyer

Also known as campaign plan, versions, and orders

Media Plan


Downloadable export in CSV format including the line items, media costs, etc. from a campaign in Basis

In Basis, the Download Media Plan in Planning:

Gross Total Cost

Gross Media & Added Costs

Net Media Cost media plan

Net Media & Added Costs media plan

Media Rate

Amount (price) charged for placement cost prior to additional fees, such as ad server

Also known as Net Rate

Media Type

Content description of a Property detail

Offline Property: Alternative, Business Journal, Campus, Magazine, Newspaper, Radio, Specialty, Television


Saving changes and updates of the line items in Basis within a proposal update

Clicking the Merge button in Basis saves (and accepts) the received updates along with any changes completed.


Communication center between collaborators in Basis

Also a visual icon on Basis


Information measurements calculated for live campaigns

Also known as Additional Metrics, More Metrics, Manage Metrics

Minimum Spends

Restricted amount to pay for a specific duration


Platform type for an ad placement

Mobile Network

Wireless network distributed over an area using a cellular site or base station

Third party network using text, graphics, or animated advertising on mobile websites and applications

Property Network type in Basis


Line Item options for planning and revisions:





Mobile Rich Media Ad Interface Definitions

Common API for mobile rich media ads that run on apps