DSP Execution

Related topics: User-Permissions

With DSP Execution permissions enabled, you can configure DSP line item groups and tactics.

This permission also lets you apply targeting, private marketplace deals, creatives, pixels, and domain lists to tactics. In Analytics, you must have DSP Execution permissions enabled to optimize groups and tactics.

DSP Execution Permissions Actions
Private Marketplace tab (Directory icon)

View (filter and search) index of deals

Media Plan page (Overview)

Enables Options Menu: Add groups and tactics to line items

Create and edit groups and tactics

Edits and assign targeting, private marketplace deals, creatives, pixels, and domain lists to tactics

Actions button: Enables Bulk Edit Tactics

Campaign Analytics

Enables Options Menu: Edit and optimize groups and tactics to line items

DSP Optimize view Actions button: Entables Bulk Edit Tactics

A contact with base permissions views the existing groups and tactics on the DSP media plan line items.