Payment Terms

Related topics: User-Permissions

Payment Terms permissions allow you to configure contracts in the My Organization and Vendor page.

You can also access the Terms & Conditions and Payee tabs.

Payment Terms Permissions Actions

Terms & Conditions tab (My Organization)

View, create, and edit buyer and vendor specific Terms & Conditions

Vendor page (Directory search)

Terms & Conditions tab: Create and edit buyer and vendor specific Terms & Conditions

Payee tab: Create and edit payee information Manage required, optional, or not applicable IO and default payee

Service Providers tab (My Organization) Create, edit, and deactivate service provider information

Inactive Payment Terms Permissions

If Vendor Payment Terms permissions are inactive, you won't see Terms & Conditions under My Organization. In the Directory, you can view the Terms & Conditions on the Vendor page. You can also download the full terms and conditions.