
During a live campaign, Basis provides pacing performance information. Pacing is the speed of the ordered unit delivery relative to time and budget of the campaign goal. During the live campaign, the constant delivery is optimal to assure the ads appear across the duration of the campaign. Whether the delivery (placement) is impressions, clicks, views, conversion, or actions, monitoring pacing assists in distributing the budget of the various ads and maximizes the return on investment for the organization along with the client and brand.

The pacing goal is represented by percentage with 100% as optimal. Optimal pacing maximizes the number of units delivered based on the budget for a set time. The pacing performance allows you to set and monitor delivery throughout the life of the campaign. When the campaign pacing is 110% or above, an alert appears stating the campaign is over pacing. When the campaign pacing is 90% or less, an alert appears stating the campaign is under pacing.

Spend pacing compares and tracks the delivered and target spend for all line items except Flat and AV rate types. In Analytics, the Performance column displays spend pacing by vendor/property and Direct subtotals along with the campaign grand totals. For flat and AV rate types, the unit pacing compares and tracks the delivered and target units by line item.

Over pacing has the potential of running out of budget before the campaign ends. When delivery is up front or early on in the campaign (too fast), the cost per unit is not distributed evenly throughout the number of days in a campaign. You potentially run out of units before the campaign ends. The number of days left on a campaign does not have delivered units.

Under pacing has the potential of the campaign ending with left over units. When delivery is too slow, the cost per unit is not distributed evenly throughout the number of days in a campaign. You potentially have left over units when the campaign ends. The campaign ends with a number of left over undelivered units previously purchased.

Performance reports are also available for tracking and monitoring pacing. The reports provide data by isolates by campaign on an individual property. The buyer also has the ability to share the performance report to the vendor. The vendor reviews the report and takes the necessary actions. The daily delivery reports provide the data for a single campaign in the date range. The buyer reviews the performance of the placement data.

Basis calculates the pacing based on the actual start date. The actual start date is the first day a unit is delivered within the contracted date range.

The actual start date may not be the same as the campaign start date (contracted).

Live line items show 0.0% pacing when the spend is zero. (Line items before the contracted start date show hyphens (- -) in the pacing field.)