Email Notifications

You will receive email alerts from Basis about your campaign. Vendors receive an email when a buyer sends you an RFP, proposal update, or IO. Buyers receive emails when a vendor responds to those events. You will also receive alerts when a vendor responds to proposals or IOs.

You may also receive emails about:

  • General communications from the Message Center
  • Changes to your user account
  • Added team members or collaborators after RFP
  • Reports
  • Creative status updates

The Response Due date and time in an email message are based on the sender's time zone. In Basis, the Response Due date and time are converted to the receiver's time and date.

When you reply to a Basis account team member from your private email, a copy of the communication appears in your message center.

The Activity and Notification feeds provide all campaign event information and include links to information about the event. In the Messages center, you can send private emails to buyer and vendor users.