Ad Tags

An ad tag is a piece of HTML code that shows a creative, generally using a third-party ad server. You might receive the code from an agency or generate it yourself using a tool provided by the ad server.

Ad tags are powerful tools. Because the ad tag inserts code into publisher's web pages, there's a potential for trouble if the ad tag isn't properly created. It's very important to test your ad tags thoroughly before using them in a tactic.

Ad tags are not enabled for the DSP by default. If you need ad tag support, contact your Customer Success Manager or Basis Support.

Using Ad Tags in DSP Tactics

Ad tags work like any other creative type. After you add the ad tags to the DSP, that creative can be used by any tactic in your campaigns.  


When you add an ad tag, make sure to include any macros that you need. Macros insert dynamic data into your ad tag when the impression is delivered, and they're essential for sending data from the DSP to your ad server.


JavaScript ad tags should always include a NOSCRIPT section, which controls what happens if a browser has JavaScript turned off. If your ad tag doesn't deliver an alternative creative, users won't see anything if they have JavaScript turned off. You may see impression tracking discrepancies because the impression was delivered and counted, but the impression tracker inside the JavaScript was never deployed.  

Test both scenarios to ensure that the creative works in all cases. To test the NOSCRIPT section, use a browser extension like NoScript. Alternately, view the page source of the preview page, copy everything inside the <NOSCRIPT> ... </NOSCRIPT> tags (not including the tags themselves), and paste it on a site like JSFiddle to test it.