Proposals (Google)

Negotiating deals with publishers that sell inventory on Google involves proposals. When you and the publisher have agreed to the terms of the deal, ask them to send you a proposal through Google Ad Manager. Review the proposal's details in Basis and either accept or reject it. After you accept a proposal, a deal is added to My Deals and becomes available for your tactics.

See Google for important details about negotiating and receiving proposals from publishers on Google.

Find proposals that publishers sent to you in the Private Marketplace. After reviewing a proposal, either reject it and continue negotiating with the publisher or accept it to add the deals to My Deals.

To accept or reject proposals:

  1. Go to Main Menu [] > Inventory Directory.

  2. Select Private Marketplace > Proposals.

  3. Select a proposal to view its details.

    • If you don't want to accept the proposal, select Reject proposal, then select Yes in the confirmation modal. You can't go back and accept a proposal after rejecting it.

    • Select Accept proposal to agree to the terms of the deal. Accepting a proposal adds the deals to My Deals, and you can then add them to campaigns.

      If we don't support the ad sizes specified in the deals, you won't be able to successfully accept the proposal. Contact the publisher to ensure that their proposal only includes supported ad sizes. If the deal requires an ad size that we don't currently allow, contact Basis Support for assistance.

Troubleshooting Proposals

Proposal Not Appearing in PMP

If you are expecting a proposal and don't see it in the DSP, wait up to half an hour and check again. It takes some time for proposals to appear in the DSP after the publisher sends them.

If the publisher says that they sent a proposal but you don't see it in the PMP, verify that they sent it to the right buyer. If they believe that they did, ask the publisher for the proposal name and ID, then contact Basis Support with this information. Our support team will be able to identify the issue and can even accept the proposal on your behalf if necessary.

See Google for more information about the negotiation process, as well as steps to help you identify your buyer identification as it appears to publishers.

Accepted Deals Don't Match Proposal

If the deals that appear in My Deals don't match the version of the proposal that you accepted, it's possible that the proposal was revised before you clicked Accept.

When you accept a proposal, we gather information from Google to create the appropriate deals. If the proposal has been revised, the latest known revision of that proposal is the version that will appear in My Deals.

To make sure that you're accepting the latest revision, verify that the proposal details are in line with the most recent changes that you discussed with the publisher and that there won't be any more revisions. You might have to wait up to half an hour to ensure that the latest revision appears in Basis.