Line Item Revisions - Fields

Related topics: Revising an Approved Plan, Revisions - Ad Serving

The following tables display which line item fields can be edited in a media plan revision.

Direct, Search, and Social

Direct, search, and social line items require a revision to edit. Note that if the line item's start date is in the past, or if the line item has seen delivery or spend, then most fields are locked and cannot be edited even in a revision.

Edit = can be edited

Locked = cannot be edited

Field Edit Status Notes
Edit By Mode
Cost Units Rates
LI (name or description) Edit Edit Edit  
format Locked Locked Locked  
platform Locked Locked Locked  


Edit Edit Edit  
kpi Edit Edit Edit  
goal Edit Edit Edit  
starts (start date) Edit Edit Edit  
ends (end date) Edit Edit Edit  
rate type Edit Edit Edit This field is locked if the line item has delivery or spend.
unit (such as imp, click, or action) Locked Edit Edit  
available (only for non-dynamic rate types) Edit Edit Edit  
total (only for non-dynamic rate types) Edit Edit Edit  
SOV (for applicable rate types) Locked Locked Locked This field is automatically calculated.
media Edit Edit Edit

This field is locked if the line item has delivery or spend and the rate type is non-dynamic.

If the rate type is dynamic, you can edit this field regardless of delivery or spend.

margin Edit Edit Locked  
gross Locked Locked Edit  
media Locked Locked Locked  
gain Locked Locked Locked This field is automatically calculated.
gross Edit Locked Locked  
Ad Serving (ad server name) Locked Locked Locked  
type Locked Locked Locked  
rate type Locked Locked Locked  
est imps Edit Edit Edit Field is locked in Cost mode if line item has a CPM rate type. It is auto-populated with the line item data.
est clicks Edit Edit Edit Field is locked in Cost mode if line item has a CPC rate type. It is auto-populated with the line item data.
ad serv (Rate) Edit Edit Edit  
ad serv (Costs) Locked Locked Locked  
st plcmt id (Strata Placement ID) Locked Locked Locked  
st market (Strata Market) Edit Edit Edit  

DSP and Programmatic Guaranteed

You can edit DSP line items directly in live or approved media plans without creating a revision. However, if there is a revision, the original plan locks and you can only edit line items in the revision. See Revising DSP Line Items for more information.

Some fields become locked if the line item has seen delivery or spend (see notes.)

Edit = can be edited

Locked = cannot be edited

Field Edit Status Notes
LI (name or description) Edit You can add or edit line items, but you can't delete existing line items in a revision.
formats Edit  


kpi Edit  
goal Edit  
starts (start date) Edit  
ends (end date) Edit  
rate type Edit This field is locked if the line item has delivery or spend.
unit (CPC or CPM) Edit This field is locked if the line item has delivery or spend.
unit (Dynamic CPM) Edit  
media (CPC or CPM) Edit This field is locked if the line item has delivery or spend.
margin (Dynamic) Edit  
margin Edit  
gross Locked  
media (Markup) Locked  
media (Non-Markup) Edit  
gain Locked This field is automatically calculated.
gross (Markup) Locked  
gross (Non-Markup) Edit  
Ad Serving Fields
Ad Serving (ad server name) Locked  
type Locked  
rate type Locked  
est imps Edit Field is locked if line item has a CPM rate type.
est clicks Edit Field is locked if line item has a CPC rate type.
ad serv (Rate) Edit  
ad serv (Costs) Locked  
st plcmt id (Strata Placement ID) Locked  
st market (Strata Market) Edit