Ad Server Placement Types

Basis allows the flexibility of changing the ad server and ad server placements during planning. Basis supports integration with Campaign Manager 360 ad serving. The integrated types include the following:

  • Ad server placement
  • Tracking pixels
  • VAST ad server placement

Within the line item, you select the various types. (The types are dependent on the ad server and format.) You have the ability to modify the type to the ad server. After exporting to the ad serving, you modify or create a revision based on the campaign start date. When the campaign is live, no modifications are allowed.

Basis supports creating multiple ad server placements or tracking pixels per creative size. The combination of various placements in a single line item allows multiple format types. This combination includes audio and video types. A single line item with duplicate ad sizes is also supported. This capability allows you to break out the ad server placments. The ad server placements break out provides geographic reporting and homepage takeovers. The multiple placements export as a package for a single line item.

After client approval, you export the placements to the ad server. You also send the applicable ad placements, creatives, and tracking pixels to the vendor in the Messages Center. Throughout the campaign, the Delivery and Performance appear by line item, type, and ad size.

Ad Server Placements

Basis supports ad server placements for the delivery of a line item with ad servers. Multiple ad server placements are available for a single ad size in a line item. An ad tag is a piece of software code inserted on the ad website. The tag is specific to the ad. The ad server stores the tag and collects the delivery information by line item.

To access ad server placements:

  1. Go to Main Menu [] > Campaigns.

  2. Select a campaign.

  3. Select the Ad Serving tab.

  4. Select Manage. The Manage Ad Serving panel appears, where you can add ad server placements.

The default type is Ad server placement except for audio and text format. The type is not available for video format.

Tracking Pixels

Basis supports tracking pixels for the delivery of a line item. A tracking pixel is available when you're not applying an ad tag. Each ad size has at least one tracking pixel with a unique name. During a live campaign, the Analytics tab shows the delivery by each tracking pixel and total sum of the line item. See Working with Pixels for more information.

To apply tracking pixels:

  1. Select a media plan.

  2. Create a line item with a single type with an unlimited number of tracking pixels.

  3. Continue making changes before exporting to the ad server. When you modify the line item format of an applied ad serving, Basis removes the tracking pixel.

  4. Reapply the ad serving with the new changes. When you copy and paste line items, you also apply the ad serving.

  5. When you create multiple tracking pixels, create a single ad size and click the Copy icon.

  6. In the Description field, edit the tracking pixel by classification or name of the creative.

  7. Click Apply.

  8. Click Save.

The default tracking pixel is 1x1 for video, text, and audio (display). The default for display and interstitial are based on the selected ad size.

After approval and exporting to the ad server but before the start date, you have the flexibility to create and delete placements for mapping. When the campaign goes live, the ad servers restrict you from deleting the placements.

We recommend re-exporting changes prior to the start date, assuring the ad server matches with your line item.

VAST Ad Server Placement

VAST ad server placement applies to video format for the delivery of an ad size in a line item. The tag is specific to the ad. A VAST ad server placement doesn't have an ad size. The ad server stores the tag and collects the delivery information by line item.

To apply VAST ad server placements:

  • Select Actions > Ad Serving, then select the line items and ad server along with the type.

The default type is VAST ad server placement for audio (Campaign Manager 360 only) and video formats.

VAST ad server placement applies to in-stream audio format for the delivery of an ad size in a line item. The ad server placement is specific to the ad. The tag doesn't have an ad size. Similar to video VAST ad server placement, the ad server stores the placement and collects the delivery information by line item.