Digital Out-of-Home Ad Specs

Review the following guidelines for digital out-of-home (DOOH) creatives.

Display Ads

  • Recommended Dimensions: 1920x1080 (landscape) or 1080x1920 (portrait)

  • File Format: JPG

    PNG is also acceptable, but may not work in all scenarios, while JPG will run anywhere.

  • Maximum File Size: 750 KB maximum for broadest acceptance

Do not use third-party ad tags or HTML5 creatives. While these ad types are accepted on some supply, for widest acceptance, use a DSP-hosted image banner. Likewise, GIFs (animated or otherwise) may be possible in some cases, but with limited acceptance.

Dimensions for DOOH display ads vary depending on the placement, but the majority are either 1920x1080 or 1080x1920 (landscape or portrait). If you provide assets for both of these sizes, you will have coverage against approximately 75% of traffic.

A smaller percentage of traffic are for the same aspect ratio but with smaller dimensions, like 1280x720. For these placements, provide an appropriate asset or prepare a scaled-down version of the creative using an image editor. Make sure that the scaled-down version doesn’t have text that is too small or illegible.

Even fewer placements are unusual aspect ratios or other dimensions, such as 1600x1200, 1400x400, or 1288x616. To find out what sort of creatives to prepare in these cases, review our DSP inventory or, for deals, look at the deal's analytics to find a breakdown of dimensions.

Video Ads

General video requirements such as maximum dimensions, file size, bitrate, and so on, can be found on the Ad Specifications page.

DOOH media owners require an exact aspect ratio match between the video ad and the placement. As a result, the DSP enforces an aspect ratio match for DOOH traffic. Make sure that the video asset that you provide matches the aspect ratio of the placement.

  • Dimensions: The most common aspect ratio is 16:9 for landscape placements and 9:16 for portrait placements.

  • Lengths: The most common video lengths are 8, 15, and 30 seconds. Not all venues accept 60 second creatives.

  • File Formats: MP4

    MOV is accepted but may not work in all scenarios. Third-party VAST is also generally supported, however, due to varying requirements, we strongly recommend using DSP-hosted videos as we will automatically transcode to whatever is required.


Both display and video ads can run on billboards—confirm the supported ad types with the media owner.

The ad specs for display and video ads found on this page also apply to billboards. However, the most common billboard ad sizes differ from other display and video DOOH ads. Roughly 99% of billboard inventory is made up of the following dimensions:

  • 1400x400

  • 840x400

Ad Tags

Vistar and Place Exchange support third-party ad tags. See Vistar and Place Exchange to find out which ad servers they support.