Filtering and Searching Reports

Related topics: Create a Campaign Report, Create a DSP Report, Create a Scheduled Report

You can filter reports and report schedules or use the Search box to easily find specific reports.

Filtering Reports

To filter your reports:

  1. Apply theStatus filter.

  2. Select the statuses you want to view from the menu:

    • Scheduled Report
      •  Failed - Reports could not be generated.
      •  Active - Report schedule is in progress.
      •  Completed - Report schedule has reached its end date.
      • Paused - Report schedule is on hold.
    • If a report schedule has failed, you must create a new one. Select Options Menu > Copy to quickly create a new schedule with the same settings as the failed report schedule.

    • Individual Report
      • Failed - Report could not be generated.
      • Queued - Report is in progress or pending.
      • Available - Report is ready for download.
      • Expired - Report is older than 90 days.

Searching for Reports

Enter your keywords into the Search box at the top of the window. Results appear after entering two characters. You can search by campaign name, date, and time.