Integrating Reddit

Basis has a one-way integration with Reddit, receiving delivery, performance, and spend data, so you can easily include Reddit metrics in your reporting.

If you previously updated metrics for a Reddit campaign using file upload, you need to unlink the metrics in Basis.

Integrating Reddit in Basis

Before integrating with Reddit, Reddit must set up the API connection and you need to to authenticate your Reddit credentials for your Business Center or Ad Manager account in Basis.

Request for API Connection and Authentication

To request the Reddit API connection:

  1. Email Basis Support and include the following information:

    • That you have a request to set up an API connection for Reddit.

    • The name and ID of each Reddit ad account that you want to be able to access data from in Basis. The ID is an alphanumeric code, such as a2_e6yiujer3c8ae.

    Basis Support will forward the request to our dedicated Reddit contact.

    You will need to send ad account info to Basis Support for any future accounts that were not included in the original email.

  2. Allow 3-5 days for Reddit to connect the API after submitting your request.

To authenticate your Reddit account in Basis:

  1. Go to Main Menu [] > My Settings > Third Party Accounts. See Third Party Accounts for more information on adding an account.

  2. Select Add Account next to Reddit to authorize your Reddit ad account credentials. Follow the prompts to complete the authorization.

    Select Add Account next to Reddit on Third-Party Account tab
  3. Reddit may send you a one-time code to the provided email address to verify the connection. Leave all the boxes selected as they are, then copy and paste the security code to verify access.

    Check your spam folder if you don't receive a verification email from Reddit.

    After verification, you will be returned to the Basis screen and your account will be authenticated.

  4. After the API is connected to your Reddit ad account, you can link and map delivery using the authorized Reddit account.

    If the API has not yet been connected, you will not receive any delivery data even if you have authenticated your account.

Unlink Manually Uploaded Metrics

This is only if you already have a campaign where you were using file uploads for importing metrics. You do not have to manually unlink line items for new Reddit integrations.

If you previously updated metrics for a campaign using file upload, you need to unlink the metrics from the line item. Then you will link and map the line items, so the metrics can be updated automatically.

To unlink metrics:

  1. After importing the daily delivery import, go to the campaign and select the Delivery tab.

  2. Scroll down and select the Reddit line item.

  3. On the right-hand side, there are green check marks associated with Reddit, and displays Uploaded File as the delivery source.

  4. Clear the checkmark to remove the association.

    Selecting checkmark to unmap line item

Link and Map an Integrated Delivery Source

Campaign information is refreshed every 30 minutes. For this reason, it can take up to 30 minutes for new campaigns created in Reddit to appear in the Delivery tab in Basis.

When manually uploaded files are no longer associated with the line item, or when creating a new campaign, link sources to the line item for automated delivery.

You must link and map the integrated delivery source for all new campaigns.

To link sources:

  1. On the Delivery tab, select Link Sources.

  2. Select Reddit from the available delivery sources.

    Selecting Reddit delivery source
  3. Select the ad account you previously connected.

  4. Select your campaign from the campaign list, then select Import.

    Select campaign and import
  5. Map the imported source to the Reddit line item.

    1. Select the line item from the list on the left side.

    2. Select Add [] next to the delivery source to map it to the selected line item.

      Mapped delivery sources move to the top of the list on the right side.

      mapping Reddit line item

Conversion Tracking

Conversion tracking is essential for evaluating the effectiveness of your campaigns and measuring their impact on your business goals. You can track and analyze conversions without needing to switch between platforms.

With the Reddit integration, all possible conversion metrics are visible but can be selected only after they have occurred. This means that you need to select conversions to complete the conversion tracking.

To track conversions:

  1. After you have finished linking and mapping the line item, on the Delivery tab, select Track Conversions.

  2. Select Manage to open the Manage Conversions modal.

  3. Select Reddit for the Delivery Source to show only Reddit-specific conversion metrics.

    • Alternatively, you can search for the required metric by name, or by a combination of name and applying a Delivery Source filter.

  4. Select Add [] next to relevant conversions, then select Track.

Conversion Metrics

The following web conversions are available with the Basis integration with Reddit. Refer to Track Conversions in the Reddit Help Center for more information.

[timeframe] represents the different timeframes such as day, week, or month.

Conversion Event Description
PageVisit [timeframe] User visits on your website's landing page (default event)
Search [timeframe] User performs a search query
AddToCart [timeframe] User adds a product to the shopping cart.
Add to Wishlist [timeframe] User adds a product to a wishlist.
Purchase [timeframe] User completes a purchase
Lead [timeframe] User submits information expressing interest in the advertised product/offer
SignUp [timeframe] User completes a registration or sign up form
Total Value (AddToCart) Total value of the shopping cart
Total Value (AddToWishlist) Total value of the wishlist
Total Value (Lead) Advertiser assigned value to the lead
Total Value (SignUp) Advertiser assigned value to the sign up
Total Value (Purchase) Total value of the purchase