Deal Details

Deal details define the terms of a Private Marketplace deal, and Basis uses this information to make sure that the tactics using a deal are compatible with it.

Deal details are user-input information and may not always accurately reflect the reality of the deal. Review a deal's analytics to learn more about its performance.

When viewing a deal's details, you can add it to your organization's deal groups by selecting Add deal to groups.

Review the table below for information about deal details.

Detail Description
Type The type of deal: Guaranteed or Non-guaranteed.


Exchange that the deal was negotiated with. The deal is valid for impressions from this exchange only.


Unique deal ID provided by the exchange or publisher.

You must receive a deal ID from the exchange or publisher before you can add a new deal to the DSP.

Deal Name*

A descriptive name for the deal. Enter a name that you'll be able to find later. You can search for deal names in the My Deals list.

Description A description of the deal, including exceptions, additional information, or any other information that you want to share about the deal.
Advertiser Domains

Specific domains that the deal can be used for.

If no domains are chosen, the deal can be used for any domain.


Guaranteed deals only.

Total number of impressions negotiated for this deal.

For programmatic guaranteed deals, Basis DSP is obligated to bid on 100% of incoming impressions for this deal.

The number of impressions that you enter must be Impressions = Media Cost / Price (CPM) ÷ 1000


Guaranteed deals only.

Total budget or media cost negotiated for this deal.

The budget that you enter must be Media Cost = Price (CPM) x Impressions ÷ 1000


The price of the deal, as agreed upon with the exchange or publisher.

Non-guaranteed deals: The fixed or floor price, depending on the chosen price type:

  • Private Auction: A private auction deal has a floor price and awards impressions to the highest bidder.

    Many deals, especially Run of Network (RON) or Run of Exchange (ROE) deals, don't have a single floor price because these deals run on a wide variety of inventory where the value may vary. Depending on the domain, placement, and other factors, floor prices differ from bid request to bid request, so the Price of the deal may represent the lowest floor of the deal’s inventory.

  • Fixed Price: A deal with a fixed price has one price (CPM) for all impressions.

Price is optional for non-guaranteed deals.

Guaranteed deals: The fixed price (CPM) of the deal. The price for guaranteed deals must be Price (CPM) = (Media Cost ÷ Impressions) x 1000.

Price is required for guaranteed deals.

Start Date

Date when the deal becomes available.

You can start using the deal at midnight, and the deal is valid for the whole day on the start date.

End Date

Date when the deal expires.

The end date is the last day that the deal is valid. Impressions can use the deal until 11:59:59 PM on the end date.


Specific formats that the deal must be used for:

  • Audio
  • Display
  • Native
  • Video

If no formats are chosen, the deal can be used for any format.


Specific devices that the deal must be used on:

  • Connected TV: The deal can be used for impressions on connected TVs.

  • Desktop: The deal can be used for impressions on laptop or desktop computers.

  • Digital Out-of-Home: The deal can be used for impressions on digital screens in public spaces. See Digital Out-of-Home for more information.

  • Phone: The deal can be used for impressions on mobile phones.

  • Tablet: The deal can be used for impressions on tablets.

If no device types are chosen, the deal can be used for any device type.


Specific inventory types that the deal must be used on:

  • Desktop Web: The deal can be used for impressions on web browsers on laptop or desktop computers.

  • Digital Out-of-Home: The deal can be used for impressions on digital screens in public spaces. See Digital Out-of-Home for more information.

  • Mobile Apps: The deal can be used for impressions shown in mobile applications.

  • Mobile Web: The deal can be used for impressions on web browsers on mobile devices.

If no inventory types are chosen, the deal can be used for any inventory type.

Ad Sizes

This option is available only if Display is selected in the Format field.

Specific ad sizes that are valid for the deal.

If no sizes are set, all creative sizes are considered valid for the deal.

Player Sizes

This option is available only if Video is selected in the Format field.

Specific video player sizes that are valid for the deal.

If no sizes are set, all video player sizes are considered valid for the deal.


Specific categories that the deal applies to.

If verticals are selected, the deal can be used for impressions in the selected verticals as well as uncategorized impressions.

If no verticals are selected, the deal can be used for impressions in any vertical.


Vendor that the deal was negotiated with. The deal is valid for impressions from the selected vendor only.


Countries that the deal applies to.

If no countries are selected, the deal can be used for impressions in any country.


Properties that are valid for the deal.

  • To only view properties that belong to the selected vendor, select Only vendor properties.

  • To see any property, select All properties.

If the property you need doesn't exist yet, select Create new property—see Creating New Properties for more.

Attachments Additional information about the deal. Attachments must be PDFs, up to 25 MB maximum.

* required field