Plan Add-Ons Overview
Add-ons are services related to a campaign that a buyer or third-party vendor provides such as ad verification, CRM, or miscellaneous in-house fees. The service provider typically charges a flat fee that you can either pass on to the client or incur internally. These fees and services appear on the campaign page during planning, but do not appear during the negotiation process and are invisible to the campaign vendor.
Add-on fees impact the budget, campaign totals, and overall performance based on whether the client or the buyer (or both) cover the costs. The impact on margin or markup depends on the gross cost. After approval, the budget appears on the campaign's Overview tab and planning grid. The approved budget includes the total line item gross costs along with the gross value of the add-ons.
Apply add-ons to individual tactics or to the media plan during the planning phase. For a live campaign, you must first create a revision. Basis automatically adjusts the billing and performance reports based on the revision. See Applying Add-Ons for more information.
To create a new service provider or edit an existing one, open the Service Providers tab in My Organization.
The service provider is not part of the negotiation process and does not receive an IO.
Basis to Strata Add-on Line Items
Basis to Strata supports integrating add-on line items. Basis sends the add-on(s) to Strata after client approval from the media plan as individual line items. The line item fields match between the Basis and Strata System placements.