Bulk Upload HTML5 Ads

Add new creatives to the DSP from the Creative panel or the tactic editor.

Upload multiple HTML5 ads at the same time in a ZIP file (maximum 25 MB) that includes:

  • The creative files. Each HTML5 creative should be a ZIP archive. See Preparing HTML5 Ads.

  • One Excel file that contains details about each ad.

The ZIP file must include an Excel file to successfully upload. The upload won't work if the ZIP only contains creative files.

Download Basis' blank HTML5 Excel template. The template is also available on the Bulk HTML5 Ads modal or from the Bulk Uploading Ads article, where you can find more information about formatting this file.

To upload HTML5 ads in bulk:

  1. Go to Main Menu [] > Campaigns.

  2. Select the campaign and media plan.

  3. Select DSP ActionsCreative.

  4. On the Creative panel, select AddBulk HTML5.

  5. Select Upload file, then attach the ZIP file (25 MB max) that contains the HTML5 ads and Excel file. See Bulk Uploading Ads for information about formatting the file.

  6. When the file uploads, review the creatives and edit their details as required. See Uploading HTML5 Ads for more information about HTML5 ad details.

    Apply the same changes to multiple ads at the same time by selecting the ads, making your changes, then selecting Apply.

  7. Select Create to save the new ads.

    After uploading creatives, make sure to preview them and link them to tactics.