Ad Serving with Campaign Manager 360 Quick Reference Guide

Ad Serving with Campaign Manager 360 lets you manage your creative files and track the delivery and performance of your ads. Basis uses an API connection to receive delivery data from Campaign Manager 360 and integrates with multiple reporting dashboards in Basis to help with efficient client reporting.

With a two-way API connection, you can export your campaign placements from Basis to your Campaign Manager 360 account, and then receive delivery data from Campaign Manager 360 in Basis Analytics. When you export the line item to a selected ad server, the ad server receives the campaign and line item information as placements. The names you choose for your campaigns, line items, and ad server are used to create the campaign, package, and placement names in Campaign Manager 360.

If you already have a campaign running in Campaign Manager 360, and would like to start using Basis for reporting, you can use the one-way API connection to receive performance data in Basis.

If you have a two-way API connection, you cannot change to a one-way connection on an active campaign. If you want to change the connection, duplicate and then re-sync the campaign.

Basis to Campaign Manager 360 Terminology

Basis and Campaign Manager 360 use different names for common elements. Below lists some of the common terms. See Basis to Campaign Manager 360 Terminology for a complete list of terms.

Basis Campaign Manager 360
Brand Advertiser
Vendor + Property Site Name
Basis Line Item Campaign Manager 360 Package
Basis Ad Server Placements Campaign Manager 360 Placements

Before You Begin

Ad Serving

Applying the Estimated Ad Serving Cost

For CPM or CPC rate types, Basis automatically calculates the ad serving costs after the ad serving rate type and units are entered. For other rate types you must first estimate the amount of impressions needed to achieve your rate type goal.

Assign the Ad Server and Apply Ad Server Placement Types to Line Items

You assign the Campaign Manager 360 ad server and placements to line items in Basis. These are used to create placements and packages in Campaign Manager 360, and then to receive delivery data in Basis.

Before assigning the ad server and applying ad server placement types, ensure all creative sizes are selected in the Details column of the line item you want ad serving applied to.

Exporting from Basis to Campaign Manager 360

After your media plan has been approved, and your ad serving placements have been assigned to line items, you can export to Campaign Manager 360. Before exporting, ensure the Brand, Client, and Campaign Name match in Basis and Campaign Manager 360, and that the correct types have been selected.

After you export your campaign, you can upload creatives, assign creatives and URLs to placements, publish creatives, and export ad server placements in Campaign Manager 360. 

Ad Server Revisions and Re-Exporting Campaigns from Basis to Campaign Manager 360

Make your changes in Basis

It is not recommended you cancel or make changes in Campaign Manager 360. This will break the API sync. The action should always be done in Basis.

Canceling Line Items

If you cancel a line item in Basis, the placements remain in Campaign Manager 360. If you re-export the campaign after canceling, the placements are archived in Campaign Manager 360, and you can unarchive from Campaign Manager 360.

When to re-export

Certain changes to the media plan, such as changes to line item name or flight dates, require you to create a revision, make the changes in the revision, and then re-export to Campaign Manager 360. You need to make these changes in Basis due to the API connection. This prevents any problems with the data populating in the Analytics screen.

If you are making changes to the ad server placements themselves, you can make those changes in the approved plan, but then must re-export to Campaign Manager 360. However, if you create a revision, you cannot make changes to the ad server placements in the currently approved media plan. Make your ad serving changes in the revision. Your ad server receives the changes after the revision is approved and you re-export the data.

To create a revision and re-export, click Revise Media Plan from your campaign.

Campaign Overview tab with the Revise media plan button highlighted.

You can revise a line item in edit mode. If a field is marked with a Lock icon, you cannot edit it. Fields become locked based on whether the start date has passed and ad serving export. See Revising Media plans for more information.

Line item in the Edit Mode with the lock icon showing that this line item cannot be edited

After you have saved your changes, the revised media plan must be approved again before you re-export.

If the vendor requires IO approval, send the vendor a revised contract for acceptance. If the vendor has optional IO approval, the vendor receives the accepted, revised campaign. The accepted revision replaces the current plan with a new version.

On the Ad Serving tab, a notice will alert you that revisions have been made which requires a re-export.

Alert on the campaign's Ad Serving tab that revisions need to be exported.

You can then select Actions > Export to Campaign Manager 360 to send the revisions to the Ad Server.

The following changes require re-exporting to Campaign Manager 360:

  • Ad server placement changes

  • Placement changes:

    • New placements

    • Placement name changes

    • Placement duplication

  • Budget changes:

    • CPM changes

    • Total budget changes

    • Ad Serving CPM changes

  • Flight Date Changes

    • Moving the start date

    • Moving the end date

  • Impression changes

Once you have made these changes in Basis, you can re-export the campaign to Campaign Manager 360.

Next Steps:

After exporting, you can now:

  • Use the Basis Message Center to send a .csv tag sheet to your vendors.

    • To quickly download a .csv file of your placements, select Actions > Download Media Plan: Creative Tracking from the media plan.

      Media Plan Actions menu open with the Creative Trafficking Sheet option in the Download Media Plan section highlighted.
    • To download ad tags in Campaign Manager 360, open your campaign, then select Tags > Download Tags. From the Download tags modal, select your format and properties, then click Download.

      Campaign Manager 360 campaign Tags menu open and the Download tags option selected.
  • For DSP line items, you can then Upload Ad Tags as creatives in Basis. 

  • After your campaign is live, you can view your data in Analytics if you have the correct permissions enabled on your Campaign Manager 360 account.