Release Notes

To keep up to date with the latest features, check out these highlights from our most recent releases.

What's New

Date: May 30, 2024


  • CPC Ad Serving Rate Type

    • You can now select CPC as the ad serving rate type and estimated clicks as the ad serving units when creating or editing line items. This means you no longer need to manually calculate click-based ad serving costs, improving workflow efficiency and accuracy.

  • Market Trends
    • You can now filter Market Trends Performance by KPI data by creative type.

Date: May 15, 2024


  • Bulk Edit Tactics - Private Marketplace

    • You can now edit the Private Marketplace deals and deal groups for multiple tactics at the same time.

    • When bulk editing Private Marketplace settings, you can either add to the tactics' existing deals and deal groups or replace them with new ones.

Date: May 8, 2024


  • Pinterest Integration

    • Pinterest is now available as an integrated delivery source. See Integrating Pinterest for more information on connecting Pinterest in Basis.

  • Line Item Start Date

    • If the start date of the earliest line item on an approved media plan is revised to be an earlier date, the campaign start date automatically updates to reflect the earliest line item start date on the revised and approved media plan.

Date: April 17, 2024


  • Facebook Integration

    • You can now access Facebook video engagement data directly in Basis, which includes metrics for 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% video completions.

Date: April 10, 2024


  • Google Ads Keyword Performance Report

    • Google Ads Keyword Performance reports are now available.

    • This report provides search campaign data, pulling keyword-level performance metrics from Google Ads and making them available as a downloadable report in Basis.

  • Enhanced Campaign Manager 360 Integration

    • The integration has been enhanced to allow the partial retrieval of metrics if a user has permissions that block some metrics. The integration checks CM 360 permissions and syncs the metrics the user has access to.

  • Custom Away Status Message

    • You can now add a custom message to your away status.

  • Private Marketplace Deals

    • We added more columns to the Curated Deals and My Deals screen to provide more information about available deals.

Date: March 27, 2024


  • Deal Groups

    • You can now add a deal to your organization's deal groups directly from the deal's details by selecting Add deal to groups, selecting the groups, then saving your changes.

  • DSP Data Providers

    • The CPM rates for DSP data providers now show up to 4 decimal places (for example, $0.0549) when necessary.

    • Tactic max CPMs are still rounded to two decimal places.

Date: March 20, 2024


  • Bulk Upload Video Ads

    • We now support bulk uploading for video ads. Use our template to upload all of the ad details, and then upload all of the video files at the same time.

Date: March 13, 2024


Date: March 6, 2024


  • Deal Groups

    • The details for each deal in a deal group are now available. Select a deal in a group to see all of its details and analytics.

Date: February 28, 2024


  • Media Rate and Rate Type Editable After Start Date
    • You can now edit the Media Rate and Media Rate Type fields on all line items after the campaign's start date has passed as long as there is no delivery associated with the line item.

    • If there is delivery associated with the line item and the start date has passed, the Rate Type field is locked for both dynamic and non-dynamic rate types.

    • If there is delivery associated with the line item and the start date has passed, you can edit the Media Rate field if the rate type is dynamic.

Date: February 14, 2024


  • Data Segments

    • You can now download catalogs of available third-party audience, contextual, and brand protection segments to help identify segments to use in DSP tactics during planning.

    • Access these catalogs from the Inventory Directory.

Date: February 7, 2024


  • GBO Tactic Ranking

    • You can now optimize group budgets by tactic ranking. Use this option if you don't have a quantifiable KPI but want to prioritize certain tactics over others.

    • When optimizing by tactic ranking, the group's budget is allocated to the top-ranked tactic, which spends as much as possible based on its settings. Then, the budget is allocated to the next highest-ranked tactic, and so on.

  • DSP Inventory Forecast

    • All team members in an organization can now view DSP inventory forecasts. Only the original creator can edit or delete the forecast.

  • Digital Out-of-Home

    • You can now upload and map ad tags to digital out-of-home tactics.

    • See Vistar and Place Exchange to see supported ad servers.

Date: January 24, 2024


  • Group by Threads

    • Effortlessly organize and follow your communication threads by sorting all replies under the primary message according to the conversation thread.

Date: January 17, 2024


  • Political Information for Brands

    • You can now add political advertiser disclosures at the brand level. This information will automatically apply to any creative that you upload for that brand.

    • Political advertiser information can still be edited for individual creatives as required.

  • Impression Pacing

    • You can add an impression cap and pace by impressions for groups or for individual tactics. (Group-level pacing overrides tactic-level pacing).

    • Pacing by impressions means that campaigns buy impressions evenly based on the total number of impressions that they can win, as defined by the impression cap.

    • See Creating Groups to learn how to set an impression cap for groups and Impression Cap for tactic impression caps.

Date: January 16, 2024


  • Curated Deals

    • Platform Deals are now called Curated Deals.

  • Deal Groups

    • Deal groups are collections of related deals from many different publishers. There are two types of deal groups, Curated Deal Groups and My Deal Groups.

    • Curated Deal Groups are created by Basis to make it easier to target premium inventory relevant to your campaigns.

    • My Deal Groups are custom groups created by your organization that can include both curated deals and private deals.

    • To use a deal group, add it to a tactic like a regular deal. The tactic uses all of the deals in that deal group.

Date: January 10, 2024


  • Message Center Bookmarks

    • You can now add bookmarks that are visible to everyone in your account team for quick access to commonly used links in the message center.

Date: December 13, 2023


  • Notifications

    • You can now select which channels (like DSP or Direct) you want to receive pacing notifications for.

    • We've added an additional pacing metric for notifications: Line item pacing (7d avg) %. This is the average line item pacing over the last 7 days.

  • Creative (Tactic Editor)

    • You can now see the duration of video and audio ads on the Creative tab in the Tactic Editor.

Date: December 6, 2023


  • Sub-bullets in Messaging

    • You can now use Tab to indent sub-bullets in the message body.

  • Ad Specifications

    • The file size limit for video and audio ad uploads has been increased to 250 MB.

  • Applying Add-Ons

    • We've updated the way duplicated add-ons are named, so they are now labeled sequentially. Duplicated add-ons are now labeled Copy 1 of XXXXX, Copy 2 of XXXXX, instead of Copy of XXXXX and Copy of Copy of XXXXX. Existing add-on names have not changed.

Date: November 29, 2023


  • Equifax

    • Equifax will update the rates for their entire taxonomy on January 2, 2024. The increase in CPM is between $.05 and $.25 per category.

Date: November 16, 2023


  • Message Center

    • You can now use the @ symbol to mention and tag collaborators in the message body.

      • When tagging collaborators, select Shift + @, then select a contact from the provided list.

    • You can now add a subject line when composing a message in the message center.

  • Google Ads - Performance Max Integration

    • Performance Max campaigns are now supported as part of the Google Ads integration, eliminating the need to manually upload files and improving data accuracy across campaigns.

  • Analytics
    • You can now edit a tactic's Max Bid in the Analytics tab.

Date: November 8, 2023


Date: October 25, 2023


  • Copying Media Plans

    • We've updated the way copied media plans are named, so they are now labeled sequentially. Copied media plans are now labeled Copy 1 of [media plan name], Copy 2 of [media plan name], and so forth.

    • Existing media plan names have not changed.

  • Exchange Integrations

    • The following exchanges are now available in Basis:

      • MobileFuse: MobileFuse is a premium, direct to publisher, brand-safe mobile and CTV supply side platform.

      • Siprocal: Siprocal is a next-gen engagement and gaming distribution platform that brings premium CTV and mobile inventory from LATAM.

Date: October 18, 2023


  • Copying Line Items

    • We've improved the way copied line items are named, so they are now labeled sequentially. Copied line item names are now labeled Copy 1 of XXXXX, Copy 2 of XXXXX, instead of Copy of XXXXX and Copy of Copy of XXXXX.

    • Existing line item names have not changed.

  • Adaptive Deal Bidding

    • Automatically adjust how much a tactic bids on the deals that it targets with adaptive deal bidding.

    • Adaptive deal bidding uses the floor price in the bid request to determine an appropriate bid for deals. This allows you to target multiple deals that have different floor prices in the same tactic.

Date: October 4, 2023


  • Importing Media Plans

    • When importing media plans, you can now correct errors directly in Basis, so you no longer have to edit and re-upload your file.

    • If errors exist within your file, the error modal appears, allowing you to quickly edit fields to resolve any issues.

Date: September 27, 2023


  • Away Status

    • You can now set your away status using a date range in your profile settings, which automatically notifies users when using the message center

  • OTT / CTV Report

    • A new DSP offline report that unifies various app IDs or bundles representing one publisher and shows clearly labeled CTV publisher names by giving each publisher its own row in Basis.

  • Copying Groups and Tactics

    • You can now copy and paste DOOH groups and tactics into other DOOH line items.

Date: September 20, 2023


Date: September 13, 2023


  • Bulk Edit Device Targeting

    • You can now bulk edit tactic device targeting, including device types, advanced settings, and cross-device.

Date: September 6, 2023


  • Bulk Edit Tactic Add-ons

    • You can now edit add-ons for multiple tactics at the same time.

    • Bulk editing add-ons replaces the tactics' existing add-ons with new ones.

Date: August 30, 2023


Date: August 23, 2023


Date: August 10, 2023


  • Bulk Edit Bid Shading

    • You can now turn bid shading on or off for more than one tactic at the same time.

  • Bulk Edit Exchange Targeting

    • You can now replace the targeted exchanges for more than one tactic at the same time.

    • When you replace existing exchanges, the tactics' current exchange targets are removed, and they target the new exchanges instead.

  • DSP History

    • DSP History now shows change events related to tactic viewability providers and standards.

Date: August 2, 2023


Date: July 26, 2023


  • Bulk Editing Group Names

    • You can now edit the names of multiple groups at the same time.

    • Bulk editing names allows you to find and replace text, or add prefixes and suffixes to the group names.

  • Bulk Editing Tactic Inventory

    • You can now edit the targeted inventory types for multiple tactics at the same time.

    • The new inventory types that you select replace the tactics' current targeting. If any of the selected tactics use bid multipliers, make sure to adjust the inventory multipliers for each one as required based on the new selections.

  • Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH)

    • DOOH inventory is now available through open market bidding. Currently, the available exchanges that provide DOOH inventory are Vistar and Place Exchange.

Date: July 19, 2023


  • Viewability (Tactic Editor)

    • We added more options for measuring viewability for your ads.

      • We added another provider for measuring viewability: DoubleVerify. DoubleVerify can track viewability for display and video ads.

      • We also included the option to select which standard you want to use to determine what counts as a viewable ad: IAB, GroupM, or PMX. This ensures compatibility and allows benchmarking against industry norms.

  • Digital Out-of-Home

    • The Exchange tab is now available in the digital out-of-home (DOOH) tactic editor. When you add a PMP deal to a DOOH tactic, you must also target the exchange that the deal is for.

    • Place Exchange is now available for DOOH inventory. Find more details about it in the Inventory Directory or on the Exchange tab in the Tactic Editor.

Date: July 6, 2023


  • Delivery

    • We enhanced the Delivery tab to make it easier to identify which delivery sources are mapped to line items.

Date: June 29, 2023


  • Digital Out-of-Home

    • We now offer access to digital out-of-home (DOOH) inventory, allowing you to reach your target audience while they are away from their home and devices.

    • DOOH ads appear on screens in public spaces, including outdoor screens like large digital billboards and urban panels, and indoor screens such as the ones found in elevators, taxi cabs, or shopping malls.

    • Currently, the integrated exchange that provides DOOH inventory in the DSP is Vistar. Target their inventory using one of 30+ curated platform deals, or create a custom deal.

    • See Digital Out-of-Home Ad Specs and Creating Digital Out-of-Home Campaigns to learn more about creating DOOH campaigns.

  • Adding New Creatives

    • The date a creative was uploaded now appears on the Creative panel.

Date: June 15, 2023


  • Flexible Vendor Messages

    • Introducing Flexible Vendor Messages, a seamless way for users to connect and communicate with vendors directly in the message center with any inquiry. With this new feature, users can now easily message vendors prior to deciding on a channel and without needing to go through the RFP tool, providing a simple and direct method for interaction.

      • Examples:

        • Reach out to a vendor to see if they prefer to run direct, PMP, or PG.

        • Ask a vendor what their minimums are to work with them or their targeting capabilities.

  • User Notifications

    • You can now opt in to receive a daily email with a list of campaigns that have been approved for the first time within the last 24 hours, so you no longer have to manually check individual campaign statuses.

  • TikTok Integration

    • Ten additional pixel metrics are now available for conversion tracking, giving you a more comprehensive and accurate understanding of your campaign's performance.

    • The selected conversion metrics appear in the Creative Performance Report and net and gross Performance Reports. See Integrating with TikTok for more details on the available metrics.

  • Revising DSP Line Items

    • The revisionless editing workflow is now available for Strata integrations. Strata users can edit DSP line items in live or approved media plans (as long as the start date hasn't passed and there's no delivery) without creating a revision. Changes are automatically synced with Strata.

    • Additionally, when editing DSP line items in approved media plans, the start date cannot be set to a date earlier than the campaign's start date.

Date: June 07, 2023


  • Importing Media Plans

    • You can now import media plans for Approved, Live, and Completed campaigns. Media plans can be imported for both revision and revisionless workflow options.

  • Delivery Sources

    • We added the option to Select All for non-DSP delivery sources on the Delivery tab.

    • This makes it easier to apply bulk edits to all sources of the same type. For example, apply a filter to view Facebook sources only, then select all of them to apply the same changes to those sources.

Date: June 01, 2023


  • SpotX Deprecation

    • Due to Magnite's acquisition of SpotX, SpotX will be deprecated on July 1 and all open market buying for SpotX will be turned off on June 6. Deals will continue to spend until June 30. All existing SpotX deals in the Platform Deals library have already been replaced with equivalent deals under Magnite CTV, but you must add the equivalent Magnite CTV deals to any campaigns using SpotX deals by the end of June.

  • Microsoft Advertising Integration

    • We now collect metrics for 30 days after a campaign ends for Microsoft Advertising, ensuring that you have more comprehensive and accurate understanding of your campaign's performance.

Date:May 25, 2023


  • Analytics Metrics

    • Two Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) metrics, Gross ROAS and Net ROAS, have been added to the Line Items table in Analytics to help evaluate line item performance by measuring the ratio of revenue generated compared to the amount spent on advertising.

      • Gross ROAS: The ratio of revenue generated to the gross amount spent on advertising (USD).

      • Net ROAS: The ratio of revenue generated to the net amount spent on advertising (USD).

  • Optimizing Tactics by Domain

    • You can now filter a domain's exchanges and placements by status (On and Off) when optimizing tactics.

Date:May 10, 2023


Date: May 03, 2023


  • Analytics Metrics

    • The Properties table in Analytics now only supports metrics that are specific to the channel, eliminating unnecessary columns that don't contain any relevant data.

      • The following metrics are now only available for DSP channel properties: Net Add-On Spend, Net Data Spend, Net DSP Spend, Net Inventory Spend.

      • The following metrics are now only available for Traditional channel properties: Daypart, GRP, Spot Length, Standard Target, Total Units, Universe Estimate.

  • Strata Integration for Billing

    • You can now export net and gross amounts to Strata by applying a Margin or Markup in Basis, so you no longer have to configure the margin in Strata. Previously, only net amounts could be exported.

      • To enable a margin, request access to this feature from your Customer Success Manager and Basis Support.

    • You can now easily select a specific DMA market for your line items in Basis and have it flow directly to Strata, making it easier to target your DMA audience and optimize results. Additionally, this ensures that all billing and financial data is accurately recorded, providing you with a clear and concise overview of your campaign's performance.

      • The st market dropdown is available at the line-item level after you create a line item during a campaign setup or revision.

Date: April 26, 2023


  • Optimizing Tactics by Domain

    • You can now filter domains by status (On and Off) when optimizing tactics.

    • Only viewing online domains makes it easier to see what you have to edit to optimize the tactic's performance.

  • Data Canvas

    • The Domain Name dimension in Data Canvas has been updated to Domain/App Name. All existing Data Canvas dashboards using the Domain Name dimension have been updated to reflect this change.

  • Analytics Metrics

    • A new base metric, Ad Spots, is now available to display the number of ads served.

    • The Line Items table in Analytics now only supports metrics that are specific to the channel, eliminating unnecessary columns that don't contain any relevant data.

      • The following metrics are now only available for DSP channel line items: Net Add-On Spend, Net Data Spend, Net DSP Spend, Net Inventory Spend.

      • The following metrics are now only available for Traditional channel line items: Daypart, GRP, Spot Length, Standard Target, Total Units, Universe Estimate.

Date: April 13, 2023


  • Analytics Metrics

    • A new pacing metric is now available for all channels: Net Media Pacing (7d avg).

    • This metric appears by default for line items when you go to a campaign's Analytics tab.

  • Private Marketplace

    • The Private Marketplace deals (platform deals and custom deals) now includes a Date Updated column that indicates when that deal was created or updated.

    • Deals are sorted to show the most recently updated deals first.

Date: April 5, 2023


  • Managing Ad Server Placements:

    • We've updated ad tag references on Basis Platform to ad server placements to help alleviate confusion and accurately reflect the process when managing ad server placements.

    • All ad server placement functionality remains the same.

  • Frequency Report:

    • You can now pull Frequency Reports scoped to the group and brand level.

    • This data can give you insights into the average frequency of ads shown to a unique device across different groups and tactics, as well as the associated performance for each frequency and device.

Date: March 30, 2023


  • Reallocating Unspent Amounts to Other Line Items:

    • You can now easily move unspent amounts for undelivered line items to other active line items in the same campaign using a line item's Reallocate Unspent option.

    • The Reallocate Unspent option is only available if you are in the edit mode of a media plan revision, and it is the day before the end date of the line item or anytime after.

Date: March 22, 2023


  • Importing Media Plans:

    • We added dropdown options on the media plan template for the Advertising Channel, KPI, and Rate Type columns, so you no longer need to manually enter these fields for each line item.

Date: March 15, 2023


  • Adding New Deals:

    • We updated the requirements for adding non-guaranteed private marketplace deals.

      • Price is no longer required.

      • The default price type is now Private Auction instead of Fixed.

    • These changes only apply to non-guaranteed deals. Guaranteed deals still require a price.

  • DSP History:

    • We added the option to export DSP change history as a CSV file to make it easier to share this information with external shareholders.

Date: March 8, 2023


  • DSP History:

    • We updated change event descriptions to more accurately capture changes made to a tactic's domains, exchanges, and creatives through the DSP optimizer.

Date: March 2, 2023


  • CRM Audiences:

    • You can now upload CRM lists to Basis and turn them into first-party audience segments that you can add to tactics for targeting.

    • Leveraging our integration with LiveRamp, your CRM data is matched with their data and onboarded for use in the DSP.

Date: March 1, 2023


  • Working with Pixels:

    • You can now access pixels and audiences directly from the , Main Menu [], so you no longer have to create a DSP line item before creating and managing pixels and audiences.
  • DSP History:

    • DSP History now tracks specific bid multiplier updates and logs a change event whenever there are updates to the bid factor for a tactic's frequency cap, exchanges, creatives, or device inventory.

Date: February 15, 2023


  • Importing Media Plans:

    • Line items with Flat or AV rate types are now supported when importing a media plan.
  • DSP History:

    • DSP change history now tracks when you map and unmap creatives associated with a tactic.

Date: February 8, 2023


  • Tactic Optimization:

    • When you're optimizing tactic performance, you can now switch between a group's tactics without having to go back to the Analytics screen.

Date: January 25, 2023


  • Importing Media Plans:

    • You can now import media plans as an XLSX file, so you no longer have to save it as a CSV file before importing.

  • Programmatic Guaranteed:

    • We now support Programmatic Guaranteed (PG) buys.

    • PG is a form of guaranteed, reserved buy. It's a substitute for using an insertion order to place a buy with a publisher for reserved inventory, executed through the DSP.

    • After you negotiate a guaranteed deal with a publisher, add the deal to the Private Marketplace, or accept their proposal if they're selling inventory on Google. Then, use the deal in your DSP tactics.

    • To help you determine budgets for PG deals, we've also created a Programmatic Guaranteed Budget Calculator. Use this calculator to guide your negotiations with publishers.

Date: December 14, 2022


Date: December 7, 2022


  • DSP History:

    • You can now add notes to the DSP history changelog.

    • Only the user who made the change can add notes to it, with a limit of one note per change event.

    • Notes are visible to any team members who have access to the campaign.

Date: November 30, 2022


  • Importing Media Plans:

    • You can now import a media plan in Basis to easily edit, add, or delete line items when the media plan is in the planning stage.

    • You can add line items to a blank plan or make changes to an existing plan by uploading the media plan file.

    • Before importing your plan, first export the full media plan from Basis and use this file as the template for importing.

  • DSP View Settings:

    • You can now sort groups and tactics within a DSP line item by alphabetical order.

Date: November 17, 2022


  • Group Budget Optimization:

    • Additional KPIs are now available for group budget optimization:

      • Cost-Per-Acquisition (CPA)

      • Cost-Per-Mille (CPM)

Date: November 2, 2022


  • Create Tactics from Forecasts:

    • Use DSP inventory forecasts as templates when you create new tactics.

    • This applies the forecast's settings to the tactic automatically, so you don't have to manually fill in all of the information again.

  • Pacing Metrics:

    • The Net Media Daily Target metric is now available across all channels.

Date: October 19, 2022


  • DSP Change History:

    • Basis tracks and logs all changes you team makes to DSP line items, groups, and tactics.

    • View a record of these changes on your campaign's DSP History tab.

  • Cookieless Conversions

    • Cookieless conversions allow Basis to track click-through conversions (CTC) in a privacy-safe way, even in environments that don't support third-party cookies.

    • Cookieless conversion is enabled by default for all new creatives and universal pixels. For existing creatives and pixels, you may have to enable cookieless conversions manually.

Date: September 28, 2022


  • Messages:
    • You can now edit messages in the message center, allowing you to update the contents of the message and its attachments.

Date: September 21, 2022


  • Managing Ad Tags:
    • You can now bulk edit ad tag names on the Ad Serving tab, making it easier to edit multiple ad tag names at once.

  • Data Canvas:
    • Device and Domain targeting data fields are now available under Dimensions, allowing you to create visualizations for performance by Device Make, Model, OS, Type, and Domain Name.
    • We added the new Device & Domain Targeting Performance template which is specifically designed for device and domain based targeting performance that includes metrics such as Impressions, Clicks, CTR, Video Completes, and CPCV with various visualizations.

Date: August 24, 2022


Date: August 17, 2022


Date:August 5, 2022


Date:July 27, 2022


  • Revisionless DSP Workflow:

    • You can now edit DSP line items in live and approved media plan without going through the revision and approval process required for other channels.

    • As long as there isn't a revision in process, edit DSP line items, groups, and tactics directly in the live or approved plan.

  • Managing Ad Tags:

    • You can now bulk duplicate ad tags on the Ad Serving tab, making it easier to duplicate a large number of ad tags at one time.

Date: July 20, 2022


  • Improved YouTube Video Completion Calculations

    • We've updated the AV Completion Rate and Video Completions Rate calculations for YouTube so that they are better aligned with those in Google Ads.

Date: June 29, 2022


  • Campaign Manager 360 Cross-Environment Conversions:

    • Campaign Manager 360 Cross-Environment Conversions delivery data is now available in Basis Analytics and Reporting.

    • Cross-environment conversion reporting shows the effectiveness of your campaign across all environments, such as tablet, mobile, and desktop; app and web, regardless of the device or environment a user converts on, which means they can be converted on the same or different device.

    • For more information on setting up Campaign Manager 360 Cross-Environment Conversion metrics and reporting, see the Cross-Environment Conversions Quick Reference Guide.

Date: June 8, 2022


  • Data Canvas:

    • Data Canvas is now available in Basis.

    • Data Canvas is a tool that lets you create, edit, and share campaign performance dashboards internally and externally, so you can visualize and analyze client performance data in real time.

      • Dashboards can include DSP, Direct, Search, and Social data that is already available in Basis, both for contracted and delivered measures.

    • For more information about getting access to Data Canvas, contact your Account Lead.

Date: May 26, 2022


Date: May 18, 2022


Date: May 11, 2022


  • New Campaigns Page:

    • The Campaigns page now includes metrics for pacing, margins, spend, and a tab for recently updated campaigns.

  • Updated Geopolitical Targeting:

    • Geopolitical locations now include state legislative districts, as well as updated congressional districts for 2022.

  • New Global Navigation Sidebar:

    • Introducing a new global sidebar that allows you to quickly access campaigns, line items, and the dashboard.

  • Pacing Notifications:

    • Receive daily summaries of under- and over-pacing summaries directly to your inbox.

Date: April 28, 2022


  • Creating a Campaign:

    • You can now select Select All on the Account Team tab when you create or edit a campaign, making it easier to include all your team members on your campaign.

Date: April 7, 2022


  • Customizing Ad Serving Views:

    • The Start Date and End Date filters on the Ad Serving tab have been updated so you can now select Date Range, On or Before, or On or After options when customizing your Ad Serving view.

  • Analytics: 

    • Net and gross pacing totals have been added to the Line Items and Channels tables. The values in the Totals row are adjusted based on filters you have applied to your view.

      • The Totals row of the Line Items table shows Gross Total Pacing and Net Media Pacing for all of the line items within that specific channel.

      • The Totals row of the Channels table shows Gross Total Pacing and Net Media Pacing for all of the channels within the Campaign.

Date: March 16, 2022


  • Contextual and Brand Protection:

    • DoubleVerify's contextual and brand protection segments now include Video Ad CPM pricing info. Hover over a segment to find these details.

  • Dashboard:

    • The Line Items with Low Delivery widget on the Dashboard is now grouped by campaign name, then sorted by line item name, then line item start date. When you click on a campaign name, the Line Items page retains that sort order. If you click View All, the Line Items page is now sorted by campaign name, then line item name.

Date: March 9, 2022


  • DSP Forecasting:

  • New Basis Welcome Email:

    • We've updated our new user email invite with an engaging new look and links to directly access resources such as the Help Center, Platform Support, and Basis Updates.

Date: March 2, 2022


  • Location Targeting:
    • We added two more countries to our postal code targeting options: Brazil and Guatemala.

    • For Brazil, enter the 5-digit version of the postal code instead of the newer 8-digit version.

  • Custom Columns Improvement:

Date: February 24, 2022


  • Analytics:
    • The Gross Total Spend metric on the Analytics tab now includes add-on spend, so you can see the total campaign spend inclusive of plan add-ons, and it is now consistent with Insights reporting.

  • Bid Shading:

    • You can now enable bid shading for your DSP tactics.

    • Bid shading uses historical bid data to automatically lower the bid price you pay to win an auction. As a result, the tactic spends more efficiently, winning more impressions for the same budget.

Date: February 16, 2022


  • DSP Inventory Forecast:
    • Introducing a new planning tool: DSP Inventory Forecast.

    • This tool allows you to plan campaigns and tactics without having to create dummy tactics or uploading creatives.

    • Using historical data, DSP Inventory Forecast predicts available inventory based on a set of tactic parameters.

  • Market Trends:

    • Market Trends is a new planning tool that displays advertising trends based on Basis' data and research.

    • This tool allows streamlines the process of collecting, researching, and organizing data, and helps you to set benchmarks and compare performance for your campaigns.

  • Analytics:
    • Tooltips have been added for metrics on the Analytics tab, so you can easily see descriptions and calculations for those metrics.

  • Submit an Issue:
    • You can now include additional email addresses when you submit a support issue, so other recipients, such as team members and Customer Success Mangers, are informed of the issue and its progress.

Date: February 2, 2022


  • Basis Platform API:
    • A new data source for conversion data is now available in Looker Studio which you can use to create reports.

  • Analytics:
    • Legacy Analytics has been permanently removed from Basis. All customers will only have access to the new version of Analytics. See Analytics for more information.

  • DSP Reports:

    • Delivery/Performance reports now include two new fields: Preview, which shows the creative preview URL, and Landing Page URL, which shows the ad's landing page URL.

Date: January 20, 2022


  • Domain Lists:

    • When you bulk edit domain lists, you can now add new allowlists, blocklists, or domain sets without deleting your tactics' existing ones.
  • Analytics:
    • You can now sort line items by Gross Total Pacing, Net Media Pacing, Gross Unit Pacing, and Net Unit Pacing, making it easier to identify over and under pacing line items.

    • You can now view the following DSP line item metrics for additional information about tactic add-ons:

      • Net DSP Spend (Net Inventory Spend + Net Data Spend): This value matches what users are billed by Basis DSP.

      • Net Add-On Spend: This value represents spend that the group(s) under a certain line item have delivered for tactic add-ons.

Date: January 12, 2022


  • Basis Platform API:
    • You can now gather delivery metrics by individual conversions with the Basis API.

  • Analytics:
    • Legacy Analytics will be permanently removed from Basis on Wednesday, January 26. For more information on the new Analytics screen, including guided videos, click here.

Date: January 5, 2022


  • Analytics:
    • You can now view the following Impression metrics for DSP Groups: Impression Cap, Impression Pacing, and Yesterday's Impressions.

Date: December 15, 2021


  • Bulk Edit Max Bid CPM:

    • You can now bulk edit the max bid for tactics that use either bid multipliers or optimization (algorithmic or machine learning).
    • See Bulk Edit Optimization and Bulk Edit Bid Multiplier to learn more.
  • Analytics:
    • You can now view Gross and Net Unit Pacing metrics—Views and Impressions for flat and added value rate types—for line items .

Date: December 8, 2021


  • Domain Lists:

    • You can now add multiple domain lists (allowlists and blocklists) to a single tactic. You can add up to 10 lists maximum per tactic.
    • Blocklists take priority over allowlists. For example, if you add an allowlist and a blocklist that both include “” to a tactic, that tactic will not bid on impressions on
  • Domain Sets:

    • If you have allowlists and blocklists that you often use together, you can create a domain set to quickly and easily apply them to your tactics.
    • Domain sets overwrite any lists that the tactic is currently using. You must add a set before selecting any other lists to the tactic.
  • Analytics:

    • You can now view the following Line Item spend pacing metrics: % Net to KPI Goal and % Gross to KPI Goal.

    • Analytics performance has been improved to avoid refreshing when you click back to a previously viewed table.

Date: December 1, 2021


  • Bulk Edit Domain Lists:

    • You can now edit the domain lists for multiple tactics at the same time.
    • Select the tactics you want to edit and click Bulk EditDomain > Replace to overwrite your tactics' current allowlists or blocklists with new ones.
  • Line Items Page:

    • You can now filter the Line Items page by To KPI Goal and Total Contracted.
  • Analytics:

    • You can now add Net Media Pacing and Gross Total Pacing to channel level metrics.

Date: November 17, 2021


  • Custom Columns Improvement:

    • Columns on the Customize Columns modal are now listed in alphabetical order, making it easier for you to identify the columns you want to include on the Campaigns, Line Items, Ad Serving, and Analytics pages.

Date: November 10, 2021


  • Line Items:

    • We combined the Line Items and Performance pages for a more comprehensive view of your campaign performance from one location. On this page you can view gross and net information for your line items or all line items in your organization for campaigns that are in planning, have been approved, and are currently live. Click Line Items in the main menu to access the updated Line Items page. The Performance page has been removed as part of this update, but all of the metrics you previously saw on the Performance page are now available on the Line Items page.

Date: November 3, 2021


  • Message Center:

    • Content from message center emails has been removed from auto-populated emails that recipients receive in non-Basis inboxes. Now, recipients can click a link to view the message and its contents in Basis Platform. This update doesn't prevent recipients from replying to emails outside of Basis Platform.
  • Tactic Add-Ons:

    • You can now create third-party fees and apply them to your DSP tactics. This feature allows organizations that use service providers (like Cuebiq, Contobox, or Spaceback) to more accurately track what their providers charge them per 1000 impressions.
    • Add-On spend information is available in Analytics and is also part of certain totals (Net Media Spend, Net Total Spend Gross Media Spend, Gross Total Spend, and any KPI metrics that begin with "Media.")
  • DSP Inventory Forecast:

  • Viewability:

    • For improved clarity, we renamed Unknown page position targeting to Unspecified.
    • We recommend that you always include Unspecified when you measure viewability as most inventory does not specify fold position in the auction.

Date: October 27, 2021


  • Analytics:

    • The load time for each click on the Analytics screen has been reduced to increase performance.
    • You can now view analytics for the following Campaign Channel metrics: eCPM, eCPC, Clicks, and CTR.


  • DSP Inventory Forecast:

    • DSP Inventory Forecast is a new tool that helps you plan your tactics before executing campaigns.
    • This tool allows you to estimate available inventory (impressions), available spend, and more for a particular set of tactic parameters, including flight date, CPM, audience, geo target, creative size, and creative type.
    • Use this information to plan out your tactics, gather more granular data to share with clients and prospects, and identify opportunities to upsell your clients.
    • DSP inventory forecasting eliminates the need to create dummy groups and tactics or upload creatives.
    • This feature is currently in beta and will see continued development in the coming months.

Date: October 20, 2021


  • Basis Assistant:

    • You can now export a report for all of your campaigns by clicking the Export button when you view the list of campaigns.
    • The report now includes columns for clients and brands.
    • You can now search for clients and brands.
    • Campaign information now includes brands as well.
  • Tactic Editor:

Date: October 15, 2021


  • Centro is now Basis Technologies! Check out our CEO's blog post to learn more about the philosophy behind our rebrand.
  • Market Trends:

    • The graphs now include more descriptions when you hover over them.
    • The default channel for the graphs is now DSP, when applicable.
    • There are new filters for the Performance Over Time graph:
      • All line items
      • Line items with specified KPI

Date: September 29, 2021


  • Market Trends:

    • Basis' Market Trends dashboard is now available.
    • This feature reports on spend and performance across channels, properties, verticals, and KPIs to help you create data-driven media plans.
    • This feature is currently in the beta phase and will see continued development and improvements in the coming months.
  • Conversion Tracking:

    • We've improved our conversion tracking messaging.
      • When you aren't tracking any conversions, we tell you that we don't automatically track conversions and that you need to select to track them with the Manage button.
      • We now show you how many conversions are available to track in addition to how many you're currently tracking.
      • We make it more apparent that new conversions don't populate in the list of those available to track until a conversion occurs.
      • The Track Conversions button now includes a count of conversions. You can hover over the button to see the number of conversions available for you to track.
    • We've included Delivery Sources as filters.
      • You can now filter by tracked Delivery Sources on the Conversions page.
      • You can now filter by available Delivery Sources in the Manage Conversions modal.

Date: September 22, 2021


  • DSP:

    • We've expanded our optimization suite with group budget optimization (GBO).

      • GBO automatically shifts and allocates a group's budget between tactics based on performance.
      • With GBO enabled, you no longer have to manually monitor and adjust tactics, saving you time and effort.'
    • A new report type is now available: Conversion Details Reports.

      • This report shows conversion event data, with or without transaction IDs.

      • Use conversion details reports to analyze the performance of conversion pixels and review sales funnel performance to make group and tactic optimization decisions.

Date: September 15, 2021


  • Message Center:

    • You can now archive messages you've sent in the Message Center by clicking Archive in the top-right corner. After you archive a message:

      • The message and any included attachments move into the Archived Messages section of the Message Center.
      • Message receivers can no longer see its contents and see a note that says "Message was archived by {name} on {date} at {time}" in the message thread.
      • You can restore archived messages by selecting a message in the Archived Messages section, and then clicking Unarchive in the top-right corner.

Date: September 9, 2021


  • Analytics:

    • Legacy Analytics has been deprecated for all customers. All new and existing customers will only have access to the new version of Analytics.
  • Ad Serving:

    • We moved all page customization tools into the new Settings panel. Click the gear icon to open Settings and customize columns, save views, select row density, and more.

Date: September 1, 2021


  • Analytics:

    • We added the following new metrics:
      • CTR is now available in the Delivery Sources table
      • Net Media Spend is now available in the Line Items table. Note that Net Media Spend = Net Total Spend - Net Ad Server Spend
    • You can now filter the Property by Channel
  • Vendor Contacts:

    • We updated "last active" data for vendors to include messages responded to from outside of Basis. Additionally, the date listed in the Contact tab's "Last Active" column is the date on which the most recent action was taken by the vendor.

Date: August 25, 2021


  • Ad Server Export:

    • When you export placements to the Google Campaign Manger, you can now see specifically which tags you're creating, updating, and deleting in new expandable sections on the Export modal.

Date: August 18, 2021


  • Campaigns

    • You can now access all of your customization tools from the Settings menu on the right side of the page by clicking the gear icon. From the Settings menu, you can:
      • Customize page columns
      • Create and save views
      • Switch between default Basis view and your Saved views
      • Select the density of page rows

Date: August 11, 2021


  • Analytics
    • We added a date range filter and the option to customize columns to the Channels screen.
    • The Group and Tactic screens display real-time data instead of data up to yesterday.
  • DSP:
    • The Location tab in the tactic editor no longer defaults to the United States. You must select a location to save the tactic.

Date: July 28, 2021


  • Vendor Contacts:
    • When you view a list of vendor contacts, the contacts who were most recently active in Basis appears at the top.
    • These contacts are more likely to provide a response and can be a good starting point for establishing vendor relationships.
  • DSP:

Date: July 21, 2021


  • DSP:
    • Bid forecasting information now automatically refreshes when you open or make changes to a tactic in the tactic editor.

Date: June 30, 2021


  • Analytics:
    • We added a new settings panel to Analytics where you can apply saved views to the screen, create new saved views, customize columns, and switch to a compact view.
    • Click the gear icon in the top-right corner of a split screen to access Analytics settings.
  • DSP:
    • Introducing Contextual Insights reports.
    • Contextual Insights is a new report dimension for Data Segment reports.
    • Unique to Centro, Contextual Insights reports list the contextual categories of the best performing audiences for your tactic.
    • This information can help you understand the context in which your ads appeared and identify contextual segments you may want to target.

Date: June 24, 2021


  • Analytics:

    • We added Actual Start Date (Act Start Date) to line item metrics.
    • Actual Start Date is the date that the line item went live and started to deliver.
  • DSP:

Date: June 16, 2021


  • Analytics:

    • When you select a DSP line item, you can now view its tactics in the bottom screen instead of only its groups or delivery sources.
    • You can filter line items by status (Upcoming, Completed, or Active).
      • Line item status is also available in the customize columns options.
    • We added additional metrics to the delivery source view:
      • Num of Interacts
      • Viewable Imps
      • Measurable Imps
      • AV Stars
    • We added a tooltip when you hover over the Win Rate metric to clarify how this is calculated.
    • We removed the Actions button, but you can still access reports and export campaign analytics:
      • Access reports from any screen in the campaign by clicking Reports in the top-right corner.
      • Click the export icon in the top-right corner of an Analytics screen to export your data as a CSV.
  • DSP:

Date: June 9, 2021


  • Reports:

    • We moved the Reports button to the top-right corner of the campaign screen, next to Messages and Comments.
  • DSP:

    • We've limited the total number of creatives that can appear in the Creative panel and in the tactic editor to 10,000. If your brand has over 10,000 creatives, apply filters and use the search feature to load the creatives that you want to link to tactics.

Date: June 3, 2021


  • Analytics:

    • We updated the labels for some of the metrics available in Analytics. See Analytics Metrics for more information.
      • For line item metrics:
        • Net Media Spend is now Net Inventory Spend
        • Gross Pacing is now Gross Total Pacing
        • Net Pacing is now Net Media Pacing
      •  For group and tactic metrics:
        • Total Media Spend is now Net Media Spend
        • Inventory Spend is now Net Inventory Spend
        • Data Spend is now Net Data Spend
        • Y'day's Spend is now Y'day's Net Media Spend
        • Daily Target is now Net Media Daily Target
        • Daily Difference is now Net Media Daily Difference
        • Pacing is now Net Media Pacing
      • We also added tool tips when you hover over the column headers to clarify what these metrics are and how they are calculated.

Date: May 27, 2021


  • Analytics:
    • The bulk edit button now only appears when you select at least one group or tactic.
    • The line item information that appears above groups and tactics now displays contracted KPI % instead of KPI Goal %.
  • DSP:

Date: May 19, 2021


  • Analytics:

    • Net Media Contracted data is now available for line items in Analytics. See Analytics Metrics for more information.
    • We added messaging to specify how recent the data in Analytics is. Hover over data as of _____ in the top-right corner of the screen for additional details about data sources and availability.
  • DSP Groups:

    • None is no longer an option for group budgets - you must select Daily or All Time as the group budget type. See Setting a Group Budget for more information.

Date: May 12, 2021


  • Analytics:

    • We've updated the line item information found at the top of the screen when you view DSP group or tactic data.
      • Added KPI Type in addition to KPI Goal.
      • Added Contracted Units, such as Est Imps or Est Clicks.
      • Now show Net Media Contracted instead of Net Total Contracted so that you can reference group and tactic spend against the contracted media spend.
      • Now show Net Media Rate Contrated instead of Net eCPM so that you can reference group and tactic performance against the contracted media rate.
  • Dashboard:

    • We added grey backgrounds and new headers to give the Basis Dashboard a new look!

Date: May 5, 2021


  • Insertion Orders:

    • The Special Terms that you entered in an IO now carry over between revisions, so you no longer have to manually re-enter them with every revision. You can still edit the Special Terms if necessary.
  • Analytics:

    • We've added line item information to the top of the fullscreen tactics view.
      • Click Hide line item to collapse the line item info and expand your tactics view.
    • We've added Size and Source columns to the delivery source view, so you can now sort and filter the delivery source table by these details.
  • Saved Views:

    • You can now rename your saved views for Campaigns, Analytics, and Ad Serving.
    • You cannot edit, delete, or rename Basis Provided Views.
  • DSP:

    • You can now add multiple event trackers (up to 100 total) of the same type when you create or upload audio, video, and VAST creatives.

Date: April 28, 2021


  • Analytics:

    • You can now access performance alerts from Analytics.
      • Click the warning icon to send a performance report to vendors and account team members.
    • When changed what happens when you select a DSP Group: you will now view all of its tactics in a full-screen view, rather than a split-screen.
    • We added new columns to display information about the DSP tactic's optimization, if applicable: Opt Type, Opt Status, Opt KPI Goal, and Opt KPI Type.

Date: April 21, 2021


  • Analytics:

    • We added line item comments to the new Analytics screen.
      • Comments that mention users appear in their Dashboard and link to Analytics.
      • The Comments panel displays all comments for the selected channel's line items.
    • You can now in-line edit a DSP group or tactic's start and end dates. See Editing Groups and Tactics in Analytics for more information.
  • Dashboard:

    • The Pacing and Performance widgets now indicate that you are viewing Gross values. Use the Performance page to see Net values.

Date: April 14, 2021


  • Analytics:

    • You can now bulk edit groups and tactics in the Analytics screen.
    • We added Net Data Spend and AV Completion Rate to the line item view.
    • We changed Total Spend to Total Media Spend in the DSP Groups and Tactics views so that it's more clear that the spend value excludes ad serving. We will make more updates in the coming weeks to further clarify the data fields and metrics in Analytics.
    • The default views for non-DSP line items now include columns for Property and Vendor.
  • DSP:

    • We've added a lookback window of 45 days for DSP reports or report schedules.
    • You can now bulk remove audiences from tactics.

Date: April 9, 2021


  • Centro Certified:

    • Check out Centro Certified, Centro's education program designed to help you master digital advertising, enhance your programmatic knowledge, and become a Basis pro.
    • Courses are available on-demand or through blended sessions that feature live virtual events with presentations by experts.
    • To begin, visit the Centro Certified website to create an account and learn more.
  • Analytics:

    • We've added Add-Ons data to the Analytics tab.
    • If your campaign includes add-ons, you'll see Add-Ons listed beneath your channels in the top half of the Analytics split-screen view.
    • Select the Add-Ons row to view metrics for specific add-ons in the bottom screen.

Date: March 31, 2021


  • Analytics:

    • You can hide the line item information above your DSP groups and tactics to view more data on the screen.
    • We've made it easier to view data for many tactics in one screen. Use a group's Options menu to view its tactics in a full-screen view rather than in a split screen (click OptionsView tactics (real-time data)).
  • Bulk Uploading Ads:

    • You can now upload HTML5 ads in bulk!
    • Upload a ZIP that contains your HTML5 creatives and one Excel file that includes details for each ad. A blank Excel template is available for download through the Bulk Upload HTML5 window.
    • See Preparing HTML5 Ads, Bulk Uploading HTML5 Ads and Bulk Uploading Ads for more information.

Date: March 24, 2021


  • Analytics:

    • Line item pacing has been updated to reflect "Gross Pacing" and "Net Pacing".
    • Line item capstone pacing now displays "Net Pacing".
  • Saved Views:

    • We've improved the saved views feature for Campaigns, Ad Serving, and Analytics.
    • Default views ("Basis Provided Views") are now labeled and separated from custom views ("Your Saved Views").
    • You can now delete your saved views.
    • See Saving Campaign Page Views, Saving Ad Serving Views, and Saving Analytics Views for more information.

Date: March 17, 2021


  • Analytics:

    • Additional billing metrics are now available in the Customize Columns window: Rate Type, Units Contracted, Media Rate Contracted, and Gross Rate Contracted.
    • You can now adjust the column widths.

Date: March 10, 2021


  • Basis Assistant:

    • You can now mark campaigns as "Favorite" by clicking the star next to them. Campaigns that you favorite appear at the top of the list.
    • Assistant is now also available on Airtable.
    • We added "Select All" as an option when filtering Labels.
  • Ad Serving:

    • We added the options to customize columns and save custom views in the ad serving tab.
    • You can now resize columns in the ad serving tab.

Date: March 3, 2021


  • Analytics:

    • We've released a new version of the Analytics screen that focuses on improving workflow for optimizing and reporting on campaigns.
    • New users will only have access to the new screen. Existing users will continue to have access to the legacy Analytics screen until further notice.
    • To use Analytics effectively, we recommend customizing columns and saving custom views.
    • Explore the Analytics tutorial videos for quick guides to get started.

Date: January 27, 2021


  • DSP:

    • We have updated our location targeting to include more granular locations.
    • The new targeting taxonomy impacts countries, regions, and cities. Hyperlocal regions, ZIP/postal codes, and DMA codes are not affected by this change.
    • All existing tactics will continue to run as expected.
    • If you want to edit the locations of an existing tactic, you will have to replace all country, region, and city targets using the new location targeting taxonomy.

Date: January 14, 2021


  • DSP:

    • You can now select Supply Path Optimization options in the tactic editor, allowing you to:
      • Exclude sites without ads.txt
      • Target direct publisher relationships only
      • Opt out of Centro Supply Quality entirely
    • These settings help you avoid ad fraud and have greater control over the inventory that your campaign targets.


For more information contact Basis Support.
